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Mess! Mess! Mess! We use this word in our lives frequently, don't we?

Our palms reach to our heads after each mess.

We get alert to rectify the mess.

Panic gets glued on our faces.

These are the ways in which we reciprocate mess.

Have you ever imagined mess in a good frame?

Mostly no, because mess can never cause anything good. It's a wrong assumption. Even, mess can cause something good in some cases.

Each coin has two sides so does each phenomenon. So, how can mess be excluded from this criteria?

This story is going to picturize these statements in its scenarios.

Subhadra, the female lead reasoned the mess which was responded by situation and flow of time, bringing a happy ending, finally.

So, welcoming all of you to proceed ahead for being a part of Subhadra's journey.

So readers, here are the prior words

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So readers, here are the prior words.

Put forward your opinions if you wish.

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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