Everything started with kindness

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I've been living with these people for a month now. It was a typical community — great even. They have this built above one of the mountains of an isolated island of the country. It doesn't even have a name — or people are too afraid to say it themselves.

It has become an unspoken rule in the place. This Island doesn't exist.

"We just want to isolate ourselves from the world," they said when I arrived. I get to enter this Island with a boat and a bribe. It felt illegal. However, when I got there, they welcomed me warmly. "This is a community that holds its peace," they said.

"We are a humble but happy people."

It started with a letter from our company, a "Make-a-wish program." letter that describes the life of a boy who wants to learn. He wants to learn Mathematics, Science, and other academic subjects. His life on the Island was great, but still, he wonders what it would be like to know things, knowing the world.

This longing is the curiosity of a young boy and his urge to explore the world. That hits closer to home. I am a dreamer myself. Teaching is also one of my passions.

Despite being under a corporate company, I've always wanted to teach.

I always love children. I have a younger brother, and I love him dearly.

That's why this letter is such an opportunity for me. You can call it an opportunity for fulfillment.

My intentions are pure — I wanted to teach this boy. I accepted the challenge and immediately asked my superior if I was interested in going for this program.

I never thought this letter would start suspicions from the local government and national investigation office.

"This community is isolated, and we think from what we know as we view the structure of this community, this is a cult," said Mr. Tomino, a personnel from a private investigation office approached me in a private meeting one day. This encounter happened a few days before my scheduled travel to the Island.

"Do they perform killing visitors? Sacrificing children to their gods? Are they committing tax fraud?" I asked curiously.

"No report regarding those issues. All we have now are stories against them," Mr. Tomino replied.

"I think it is not right to judge them based on what the people from the city are saying," I said.

My family came from the province ourselves, and we are used to this kind of treatment. Calling our culture "cultic" just because they don't understand it.

"We are not here to convince you not to go," he smirked. "We know that you already made up your mind. We want to ask for a favor." he turned into a serious "business" face.

"We want to ask if you can observe this community," he asked.

I was surprised by this favor. I looked at Mr. Tomino, confused.

"We will provide enough expense for this. We know this program is short in terms of the budget for teaching children from a remote island. Your money will only last for a few days." he explained.

"We can provide you enough money to stay and do the program as long as you'd like. In exchange for..." Mr. Tomino paused as he gave me the envelope containing a contract.

"You will give us all the observations report."

"You want me to infiltrate the island?" I asked.

"Yes." his answer is straightforward.

"Why don't you do it yourselves?" I wonder. "You have money, you have security, and most of all, you have the authority above them."

"These people are great at showing their best foot forward," he explains. "And these letters are the only way they choose to welcome a stranger to their island," he continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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