Chapter 4

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" No, never. " Zainah replied.

" Mam, please... "

" The purpose of the Charted bus is that female passengers sit beside female passengers. And that's why I booked this bus. "

" But Mam where will he sit then? The bus is riding at speed now. Please co-operate. " The driver tried to convince Zainah.

" Also, you should have thought this through before giving suggestions to Uncle. " Jamshed said in anger.

" I'll sit back. Don't fight you two. " Uncle said.

" No need Uncle. You rest. I'll sit here only. " Jamshed said and looked at Zainah.

" Listen, we have only 40 to 45 minutes ride remaining. Co-operate for that much time. I am also against such seating. But it's your suggestion that made me bring this condition. " Jamshed said moving closer at her face.

" Stay away... " Zainah said and pushed him a little.

" Just let me sit at the window seat. " Jamshed pleaded.

After a few minutes of no response from Zainah and Jamshed struggling to stand properly, Zainah allowed Jamshed to sit beside her with a warning, 'No touching'.

The ride was silent. A few laughs were heard as the movie ended.
The bus was delayed and calls started to arrive as every passenger's phone.

" Yes, Manha, the bus just entered Bhopal. Just wait for a few minutes more. " Saying that, Zainah put her phone inside her sling bag, and looked at the direction the bus was riding.



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Until then, 

Stay healthy, stay safe.

Keep smiling.

Iram Khan


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