1st day of school

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Jacob: so your saying Barbra Ava up and quit two weeks ago.
Barbra: yes I don't know why or what prompted it. But we have a new boss. She's 26 years old.
New girl Riley brooks walks past Jacob and Barbra
Jacob: hello there.
Riley: oh hello. Yeah I'm your new boss. It's so exciting to be principal here. I used to work at a high school as principal in Wisconsin but I saw this job posting and I took it by applying. It worked out great cause I was gonna have to break up with my BF cause he got a new job here in Philadelphia but it turned out we didn't have to. So yeah. Oh and staff meeting after school day at 3:30pm. Don't be late. I'm a timely person and when I say a time I start at that time.
Riley walks away
Jacob: she's awesome! A timely person is always a good person. Not to mention she's whispers (cute)
Later that day after staff meeting
Jacob walks up to talk to Riley.
Riley: omg Jacob! I didn't notice at first that it was you Jacob this morning. How have you been since our high school years.
Jacob: I've been great to an extent. I broke up with Zach but Melissa giving me a spare room to stay in.
Riley's phone rings
Riley: yes Lukas what you need!
Lukas: I want to break up. We're over Riley. I can't do this.
Riley: Lukas WTF I took this job so we could be together you agreed to it and now you're breaking my heart into a million pieces! I can't believe you! You know what screw you Lukas. Oh guess who works where I am principal at? Jacob Hill.
Lukas: Jacob hill as in your boyfriend from high school.
Riley: yes.
Lukas: well since I'm done with ya why don't you just run back to him! I think you two should get back together seriously you two were so cute together and even got cutest class couple superlative then you both break up over the summer before you all go to college. I was shocked so was the whole grade basically we all thought you two would last a long time. Just from how you two acted around each other always sweet talking before school by Jacob's locker. So yeah go get your boy back. Goodbye Riley!
Lukas hangs up
Jacob: what happened?
Riley: Lukas dumped me! Then started saying how I should just go get you back like win you back reminding me how we were voted class cutest couple apparently everyone thought we'd last I didn't know that. And he said I remember how you two would always sweet talk by Jacob's locker every morning before school. Your breaks up was a huge shock to the whole grade.
Jacob: no way I didn't know that either.
Riley: yeah. I got a confession. I never really loved Lukas. Over the years I've been like I hope Jacob really realizes what a huge mistake he made dumping me and try's everything to win me back.
Jacob: really.. I've regretted it ever since I broke up with you. I was an asshole to break up with you. I should have never done that. Will you take me back Riley??
Riley: yes I will Jacob. We so gotta take a pic post it to Facebook and instagram for the grade to see.
Jacob: yeah I think we should totally. Oh and Riley.. I love you I never stopped loving you nor will I ever stop.
Riley: same Jacob. Oh and I want to say I live in a house in Philadelphia suburb Trenton. I know you said you live with Melissa in her spare room. But would you wanna
Jacob runs up and kisses Riley on the lips
Jacob: I know what you were gonna say and my answer is yes. Where ever you are is where I wanna be. I wanna be the one you wake up to every morning and fall asleep next to. That's how much I regret what a asshole I was for breaking up with you. I should have never done it.
Jacob: I need to go talk to Melissa. Could you come. I need back up cause she probably won't believe it.
Riley: yeah I can.
Jacob walks into Melissa's classroom she's cleaning up the classroom
Jacob: hey Melissa can I talk to you?
Melissa: yeah sure
Jacob: so I have something to tell you. Our new boss. I went to high school with her even dated her we were voted cutest class couple everyone thought we'd last but I was a huge asshole and dumped her and regretted it ever since and now she took me back and the thing is she lives in Philadelphia suburb Trenton and has asked me to move in with her. So needless to say I won't be needing your spare room any more Melissa.
Melissa: wow that's awesome and crazy that you knew her before. Yeah I wish best of luck to you two. Yeah for someone like you to regret something like that says a-lot about being cutest class couple.
Jacob: yeah she was my first love and I was her first love. It was just like one minute we're not a thing then all the sudden the grade learns we're a couple and it takes the grade by a shock at how fast it progressed. Oh I'm gonna get my things out tonight.
Melissa: oh okay. See you tomorrow I guess.

Somethings stay the same and some change can be good. (Abbott Elementary story)Where stories live. Discover now