「Can't you see me?」-Chap.7

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Authors POV

Iseul indeed tried her best to make her -almost all the time happy friend- cheer up again.After a few failed attempts she finally was able to do so.

The both young girls had their hair tied in a messy bun, both wearing an apron as they tried their best to follow the recipe Iseul had found on social media better said on instagram.

You may ask how Iseul had made Hana laugh?

Well...she accidentally spilled a whole package of flour onto the said girl which did not give off a happy expression from Hana.After a few minutes of whining Hana gave up and couldn't help but smile at her best friends antics.

The unbaked cookies were already in the oven as Hana and Iseul sat on the stools of the kitchen table, waiting patiently for the dough to bake and take on an Goldish color.

„By the way, where's Mirae?", Hana suddenly asked Iseul, closing her phone and looking at the said girl.Iseul also looked up from her phone „I think they had guests over? I am not sure though", Iseul replied, shrugging her shoulders to indicate that she didn't really know.

„Hmm...okay",Hana mumbled, adverting her gaze back to her phone to scroll through instagram.Hana was sad that their other best friend couldn't come but was accepting the fact that indeed Mirae had guests over -Hana had asked her.

As Hana was scrolling through instagram she suddenly saw a picture of an boy she knew all to well.

Ni-Ki?... the girl thought and clicked on the profile, seeing various type of pictures of the same boy.Hana hesitated before screenshotting the username of the said boy.

Maybe I'll give it to Iseul.
She had thought while doing so.

After about a wait of Thirty minutes Hana sighed in relief when she saw that the cookies were now baked and ready to be taken out.

Iseul went to turn off the oven by turning the buttons to the right side and the oven making a 'ding' sound.

„Oh my god! These look actually good, Hana!", Iseul squeaked in excitement as she tried to pick up a cookie just to yelp in pain and surprise because the baked dough was still hot.

„idiot...", Hana said under her breath and playfully rolled her eyes but Iseul had heard her, elbowing Hana's side with furrowed eyebrows.

The girls had given some cookies to Hana's mom and had also eaten some themselves.There were Five cookies left.

„What about these five?", Hana asked Iseul, pointing her index finger at the said cookies with a questioning look. „Well, I don't know", Iseul replied shortly and shrugged her shoulders with a „Why do you even ask me?" -look.

„Ni-Ki lives nearby right?", Iseul asked hesitantly, looking down and playing with the crumbs of the cookies that had fallen onto her plate.

„Yeah?", Hana said back, raising her eyebrow in a questioning manner as she put the cookies into a little box. „How about we go and give him these?", Iseul said, finally glancing up at Hana with puppy eyes.

„You mean: „How about I (Iseul) give them these?" -right?", Hana asked, not even looking at Iseul anymore as she walked off into the kitchen because the girls were seated in the Livingroom before.

„What? No! Come on Hana!", Iseul whined, jumping up from her seat to follow her friend into the kitchen.
„Then at lest just show me where he lives?", Iseul came up with an solution and asked in a hopeful voice.

Hana thought for a while before turning around and putting the little box of cookies into Iseul's hands.
„Fine, wear your shoes", Hana answered reluctantly moving to the front door.

Iseul screamed in excitement, also rushing over to wear her shoes in a hurry.

After about a 15 minute walk the girls had finally arrived in front of a beautifully decorated house.
Iseul immediately took hold of Hana's wrist and dragged her (and forced her) to follow herself to the front door of Ni-Ki's house.

„Iseul-ah! Stop-", Hana whined but before she could react Iseul had already pressed onto the tiny button beside the front door, the doorbell.Just a few seconds later a good expected raven haired boy opened the door.

He was wearing black sweatpants and a grey sweater with different designes on them.His hair was slightly messy but it made him look cute in Hana's eyes.

„Hel-...lo?", Ni-Ki asked and greeted in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows as his gaze switched continuously between Hana and Iseul.

„O-Oh yeah...uhm heyy", Iseul said as she blushed.Hana stood wordlessly beside her, waiting for Iseul to get to the point and tell him the reason Hana was forced to come all the way here.

„What's up?", Ni-Ki asked, leaning against the doorframe and watching the two girls curiously.
„I- I-I mean- we baked some cookies!", Iseul finally let out, hurriedly showing the little box with cookies to Ni-Ki.

Ni-Ki nodded and muttered a very low „thanks" his gaze focused on the other girl beside Iseul.
It was none other than Hana who was continuing to look everywhere but at Ni-Ki.

Iseul furrowed her eyebrows, pouting slightly. „You don't like them?", Iseul asked, her voice filled with disappointment as she now pursed her lips, her gaze never leaving Ni-Ki.

Ni-Ki snapped out of the daze -that he fell into after seeing Hana- by Iseul's soft voice.Ni-Ki shook his head, trying to brush off his thoughts before looking at Iseul.

„N-No, I do! I am sorry, just a bit tired", Ni-Ki answered with a half smile, ruffling his dark hair again which finally took the attention of Hana.

The two made eye contact but Hana immediately broke it, not having spoken even one word by now.

She looks so pretty- O-Oh NO. Ni-Ki thought and panicked internally, not knowing that a certain girl was having the same thoughts and was going through a hard time to keep her emotions in control.

Beside Hana was still Iseul who watched the both with a smirk on her face.Proud to get such a reactions out of Ni-Ki and Hana.

Mission accomplished. Iseul thought and cheered internally, her hands forming into a fist out of happiness.

Ni-Ki and Hana continued to stare at each other, both feeling hurt because of thinking that the other was avoiding their gaze.

Can't you see me?


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