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|(Y/n: In order to win this war we have to do things we may not like.)|

Full Name:

(Y/n L/n)


(17 years old[Before leaving Remnant], 22 years old[When the cis was declared], 25 years old[When the Clone wars started])

Sexuality/Romantic Orientation:



(Admiral, The Hero of the Confederacy, The Butcher of the Republic.)

Force Sensitivity or Not?:






Home Planet:



(Former Huntman-in-training, Admiral of the CIS navy[at some point])


- Dual Wrist Blaster(with the hand but more flexible)

- 18 inch Hidden Phrik blade(can withstand lightsaber attacks)

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- 18 inch Hidden Phrik blade(can withstand lightsaber attacks)

- Electrifying cables(Like the 2003 Grievous)

- Lightsaber (He got that after killing a Jedi knight during the first battle of Geonosis)

|(Y/n: For the Confederacy!)|




- Casual: Blue T-shirt with Black Pants

- Military Attire(but with the cis symbol)[for now]:

- Military Attire(but with the cis symbol)[for now]:

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(Mother) Elena L/n

(Father) John L/n

Love Interest:

(Non yet, Put your choice in the comments)

Extra things:

•(Y/n after leaving Remnant basically became a cyborg because he had lost his arm and eye to a Grimm attack and will lose his jaw and some other limbs and will be replaced with cybernetic parts)

•(Y/n was the top of his class in the Geonosis Naval Academy)

•(Y/n is one of the youngest Admirals of the CIS)

•(Y/n is the only CIS officer to fight a Jedi and survive)

|(Padme: He is more machine than man.)|

[The end of the Bio, if you like the idea of this story and if you have more put your thoughts in the comments and press that Star.]

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