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This one shot is over two years old! I can hardly believe it. It's one of my favorites though, and in honor of my birthday, I really wanted to share it with you guys. I hope you all enjoy. Happy Saint Patrick's day!

(I tried to edit it a bit to polish it up but it may still be janky ahhH)

Third person pov

The possibility of One For All being sentient doesn't occur to Izuku at first.

He's not sure why it wouldn't. It's an ancient power not explainable in the least, breaking the limits of what they know to be possible in regard to quirks. Izuku has pored over books, forums, research reports, dissertations, blogs.

It is an impossible variable that should, according to the laws of the world itself, not be possible. One could argue that this could be said for just about any of the uncanny abilities humanity had obtained, but this was a whole new ballpark.

This went beyond mutation and genetics. This broached into something supernatural, Izuku is sure. Though really-- if he hadn't thought it before, he sure as hell does now.

It starts slow. An awareness encroaching into his own, testing the edge as though to see how much purchase it can get before Izuku pushes back. He doesn't notice it in the beginning-- not until it's threaded its roots through the part of Izuku that is... well, himself, he supposes.

It surrounds him before it begins to move in. It bleeds into his day to day life in the most unexpected of ways, and soon Izuku isn't sure he's the same person at all. He's not even sure he can be called a 'person' anymore. No, he's more of a 'people' than anything else.

He notices the first real occurrence at breakfast one day. Looking back, Izuku is nearly certain there's been other instances like this before and he just hadn't noticed. This one just sticks out particularly because it contrasts so greatly against what was.

It's sudden, sharp, and pricks him with a pin of awful realization. Sato and Ojiro have taken over the kitchen, with the help and instruction of Tsu, who was used to cooking meals for her siblings. Izuku's in the lineup dishing himself up some food, happy and content. He has no idea what's coming. The beginning of the end.

"Midoriya, you didn't get any eggs, ribbit." Tsuyu pointed out. It was an innocent thing and a fairly good point, because Izuku always gets eggs.

They're a part of his striking diet that keeps his limbs from blowing off his body. They're chock full of nutrients he desperately needs and have been a constant food in just about every single one of his meals. Which is what makes this all the more noticeable. And earth-shattering.

"Um." Izuku makes a face before he realizes what he's doing or saying. "Yeah, we don't like eggs."

(Which is not true. At all, even slightly. He loves eggs. Eggs are great, and he is an "I" not a "we". Thank you and goodnight.)

Izuku stops in his absolute tracks. Tsuyu does the same, pausing with the spatula half raised. They stare at each other like it's some sort of Western standoff, Izuku's eyes bigger than her semi-indifferent ones.

Her gaze shines with minor confusion that he honestly mirrors tenfold, because what the fuck? That's... wrong. He can feel it in his chest, foreign and not right. It doesn't fit. How was he not aware of this chunk inside of him? It's crooked, out of place, and...

And it's not that it's not supposed to be there, per se, it's that it wasn't before. It fits, but not the way the piece that was there before does. Izuku isn't sure how he feels about that.

Sentient (BNHA One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now