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Room of Requirement, 4pm, think about a place where there's room for a Phoenix
- The Order

I stare at the note that my owl delivers me this morning.
They've brought the Order to Hogwarts.
This makes things so much more real.
"Whatcha got there, Prongs?" Asks Remus, pulling me away from my thoughts.
"There's an Order meeting today" I reply, handing Remus the note
"The Room of Requirement? They're bringing the Order to Hogwarts?" Asks Remus
"Looks like it" Sirius replies, handing his note to Peter
"Maybe we should all go" Peter suggests
"I don't see why we couldn't" Lily adds
Remus shrugs "I suppose with things being held at Hogwarts it makes it easily accessible for all of us" Remus states
"Well, we'll all band together at quarter to four at the Gryffindor Tower and head there together" I finalise and everyone seems to be happy with this arrangement.
The day seems to drag by with the weight of the Order meeting hanging on my shoulders. I just want the day to be over so I can head to the Room of Requirement and see what the meeting is about. I can feel the anxiety creeping up on me.
Deep breaths, James.
3:45PM rolls around and I'm standing in the Gryffindor Common Room with Lily, waiting on Remus, Sirius and Peter.
"You sure you wanna come, Baby?" I ask Lily, kissing the top of her head.
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Asks Lily
"I'm just making sure" I reply and she smiles up at me
"If we're learning defense spells and I see you dueling, I am not responsible for my actions"' I warn
"What's that supposed to mean?" Asks Lily skeptically
"I think you're going to look insanely attractive dueling" I reply
"Oh? So I don't just look insanely attractive all the time?" Lily asks, eyebrows raised
"No- what? Wait no I- you always look insanely attractive but I think you'll look even more attractive when dueling" I stutter
"I love when you get all flustered" Lily teases and I roll my eyes, pulling her in for a kiss.
"Get a room" Peter drawls
"Took your time lads, we're gonna be late" I chastise
"Sorry, Mum" Sirius replies sarcastically
"Now, Sirius, that is no way to speak to your Mother" Lily jokes, smiling up at me and once again, I roll my eyes.
We all head up to the Room of Requirement. We reach the location it's supposed to be and we all wait, pacing up and down, thinking about where there's room for a Phoenix until suddenly, a door appears in the middle of the wall. We all exchange a look before I open the door and step in.
"Ah, Mr Potter, Miss Evans, Mr Black, Mr Lupin, and, of course, Mr Pettigrew, come in" Dumbledore says softly as he stares at us walking into the room. The room is large, almost empty save a few dummies and the walls are plain. It's perfect for Order meetings.
There's already a group of people waiting for the meeting to start. I take a quick glance at my watch.
Not late.
We all go and stand at the back of the room with the rest of the Order members and wait for another five minutes. One other person shows up. It's not some random person.
It's Regulus.
It's a small turnout, but it's better than nothing.
"Right, well it is 4PM, we'd best get started" Dumbledore announces with a smile
"As stated before, I want to start training you all on defensive spells, as well as offensive spells. We are a resistance for the Good Side, so we will mainly be using defensive spells, but if you find yourselves in dire circumstances then offensive spells will also be useful" Dumbledore prefaces
"What of the attack?" Asks a tall ginger man
"Yes, the one in Dorset? Are we going to address that?" Asks an equally tall, equally ginger man. They must be twins
"I was just getting to that, thank you, Fabian and Gideon" Dumbledore replies
"Yes, as Fabian and Gideon have rightly pointed out, the attack in Dorset must be addressed, and I should express what this means for the Order. He Who Must Not Be Named has made his statement, He seems to have started small in case things did not go His way. Unfortunately, it seems as though His efforts were successful, he has growing followers, not just among Witches and Wizards, but amongst magical creatures. This means the war is closer than expected. I have no doubt that He Who Must Not Be Named will commit a bigger attack soon, when this happens, I will take that as a sign that he is starting the war. Some of you have already received your missions. I must stress the importance of not discussing these with anyone, even those closest to you, it is imperative that your missions remain secrets lest they get into the wrong hands. He Who Must Not Be Named is bound to send spies our way, and He is going to try his best to try and convert some of you here, not to say that he will be successful, but the future is always unknown" Dumbledore explains
This all feels so immediate. It's all happening so fast. I can feel myself starting to panic. I take a deep breath and exhale heavily. Lily takes my hand in hers as a form of comfort, I swallow thickly and steady myself, continuing to listen to Dumbledore.
"As dire as this all sounds, we must begin our defence training or we will fall majorly behind. Obviously, a lot of you here are more than accomplished duellers, however, we are all of differing abilities, so we must all band together to help one another and assure we maintain our abilities and build on our skills. First I want to teach you, and have you practice the 'Depulso' spell, a charm which will force your opponent away with great force. It has a similar impact to stupefy, except it does not stun them, it quite literally throws them out of the way" Dumbledore continues
He withdraws his wand from his robes and summons one of the dummies before positioning himself "In order to cast this spell, you must raise your arm, wring your wrist, and bring down your arm, saying the incantation as you bring down your arm and aim for your opponent" Dumbledore explains before he demonstrates for us, striking the dummy with the curse, sending it flying across the room, hitting one of the walls.
"You will be split into groups and assigned a dummy each, you will all take turns in striking the dummy with the curse, helping one another with posture, technique and pronunciation. We have forty minutes left of this meeting, that's forty minutes of practice. I will now sort you into groups" Dumbledore states
"Frank, Alice, James, Lily and Regulus, you will be over here with this dummy" Dumbledore states, pointing to a dummy in the far right corner. I follow Lily and we stand with Alice, Frank and Regulus.
"Fabian, Peter, Remus, Sirius and Emmeline, over here"
"Gideon, Molly, Arthur, Kylo and Gail, over here"
"Euphemia, Fleamont, Marlene, Dorcas and Aria, over here"
"And finally, Alastor, Kingsley, Wren and Kylie, over here"
Everyone stands by their dummy and soon enough, we all begin to cast the spell.
"So, you became an Order Member officially?" I ask Regulus as Frank takes his turn with the dummy. Regulus nods "indeed I did" Regulus replies
"Good, I'm glad" I reply
"I'm okay, James, I'm safe" he says softly before he steps in front of the dummy to take his turn. I can't help but feel a flood of relief wash through me at this confirmation.
It soon comes to my turn and I stand in front of the dummy, positioning myself and raising my wand, setting my eyes on the target and reining my focus in on to my target. I follow the wrist movement before begin to bring my arm down "Depulso!" I exclaim. A jet of red light shoots out of the end of my wand and hits the dummy square in the chest, sending it flying.
"Accio, Dummy" Frank says lazily, bringing the dummy back before clapping me on the back, a big smile on his face "Well done, chap! Fantastic form, quite the duellist I must say" Frank praises me. I feel my cheeks redden as I offer him a bashful smile "Thank you" I reply shyly before joining the back of the line.
Lily then takes her turn, she shakes the hair out of her face and takes her position.
Merlin she is attractive.
Simply beautiful
"Depulso" she exclaims as she hits the dummy in the head, sending it flying. She then girns as she turns and walks to me.
"I was so right, you look so good dueling, baby" I say, placing my hands on her hips, pulling her in and kissing her. "I did? Maybe later you can prove just how good I looked" Lily replies. I groan lowly "Fuck, Lils, don't say shit like that to me here" I groan and she simply grins at me.
Forty minutes seems to fly by as Dumbledore stops our practice. "From what I have seen, this session has been quite successful. However, the session has come to an end. I am hoping to make these sessions weekly, so keep an eye out for owls each week. Until then, though, have a good week" Dumbledore states, dismissing us all.
I stop to speak to my parents quickly before I leave. "Did you get my letter, darling?" Asks Mum
"I did, Mum, thank you" I reply. I hug her and she returns the hug. I then hug Dad, which he also returns
"I can't stay, Mum, I gotta go. I love you, Mum, I love you, Dad" I say, they smile and nod.
"We love you too, son" Dad replies and I smile before I turn and leave. It's good to see them safe, okay and happy.
When we get back to Gryffindor Tower, Lily and I head upstairs into her empty dorm. "How about you prove just how good I looked dueling hmm?" Asks Lily as she kisses me, I groan into her lips and press my hips into hers.
"You really wanna know, baby?" I ask, grinding my hips into hers
"I do" she replies, kissing me passionately.
I lower her onto the bed and kiss down her body, taking her trousers off as my head travels down her body, pressing kisses down her body as I go before my head finds itself between her legs. I lick up her folds and I see her shiver before I dive right in, swirling and flicking my tongue where she needs it most, causing a string of moans to leave her mouth which only fuels me to go further until she comes undone.
I move back up to her mouth and kiss her before I position myself between her legs. I slowly enter her and loom over her, kissing down her neck, leaving a mark on her as I begin to thrust in and out.
I begin to thrust faster as the pleasure builds up from the both of us. I feel myself getting closer to my climax and I can tell from her moans that Lily too is close to finishing. I soon speed up and all that can be heard is a cacophony of moans and skin to skin contact. We both finish, Lily moments before me and I then collapse on the bed next to her, lifting my arm so that she can rest her head on my chest.
"James" Lily says, breathlessly.
"Lily" I reply, equally as breathlessly.
"I love you" Lily states. I smile and turn to look at her, placing my hand on her chin and moving her head to the side so that she's looking at me too, I kiss her gently and press our foreheads together as I look into her eyes so lovingly. "I love you too" I reply


Hello there my loves!

So so sorry for the delay in updates I had HUGE writers block but I am so back. This chapter is moreso a filler before we get to Reggie's meeting with Voldy next chapter but it still has important info and it has good characters (Fabian, Gideon, Molly, Arthur, Frank, Alice, I love them all<3). Also Regulus reassuring James that he's safe and okay is so cute I love ( I literally wrote it...anyway). Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one, I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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