Another Time.

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Aventurine woke up in a daze. Sweat dripped from his forehead, his palms were sweaty and his pupils dilated and darted around the room. Safe.. safe in the confines of.. wait where is he?

He felt his anxiety rising back up, trembling hands as tears continued to stream from his tired and fear induced eyes. Wait, continue? He's been crying in his sleep..

He could still remember the day he was chained in that god forbidden cell. A string of numbers stamped against his neck and sold for auction, how pathetic, he thought. But then again living a life doesn't come without risks. Teetering between life and death, taking the gamble.

"Are you done questioning your pitiful existence?" That voice. Aventurine knew that voice all too well, the same voice from the person he's worked with countless of times. Why is he here? Aventurine can't help but immediately wipe away his sorrowful tears and put back on a smile that most people would even fall for if not for the redness around his eyes.

"Why doctor, mind telling me where am I?" Aventurine says in his ever playful tone.

The doctor doesn't spare the gambler a glance as his gaze was still fixated with the book made from marble in his hand. "My penthouse." Was all Ratio said.

Aventurine stiffened for a moment, but then let out a sigh. Right.. Ratio had invited Aventurine into his home to discuss work. Always work.

"You passed out in the middle of our conversation regarding the project, I figured you needed rest." Explained Ratio about the situation more. Aventurine couldn't help but feel his heart flutter at the others' gestures. Right.. He was at Ratio's penthouse for a project. How could he forget?

"I hope I don't owe you anything now?" Aventurine says with a chuckle. The sound of marble against marble made Aventurine flinch as he looked at the direction from where it came from.

Ratio got up from his seat as he walked towards the couch where Aventurine was resting, sitting beside the space there was left which was behind the blonde male. "Sleep." Was all he said as he placed a hand on Aventurines forehead and as gently as he forcefully could make him lay his head down on the doctors lap.

Aventurine looks at the one above him in shock. "My my doctor~ Why your lap?" He can't help but tease to which the Ratio glares at him before letting out a frustrated sigh.

"You need rest. I bet in that idiotic brain of yours, it doesn't register the fact that you're crying." Ratio says in his normal stern tone despite his actions saying otherwise. A hand going to the gambler's face and wiping away the tears that he had yet to register.

Aventurine hated how Ratio's touch was so.. comforting. It felt like home if he had to compare. Like all the negative and bad thoughts swirling in his head disappeared as soon as the doctor touched him. What an interesting doctor he is.

Aventurine swears at himself for leaning against Ratios touch, yearning for more of that affection. He hates himself for how he's being so vulnerable towards Ratio, but at the same time he loves it. He trusts Ratio, he hates how he's grown fond of him.

"Sleep." Ratio said, more of a demand really. And Aventurine obliges, letting himself be vulnerable for once. As he closes his eyes and falls more against Ratio's comforting touch, he fails to realize just how fondly the doctor is looking at him. Fuchsia eyes staring at the blonde's sleeping frame, a hand delicately comforting him as if he was glass that was bound to break even with too much pressure applied.

For now, Ratio would wait. He would wait until Aventurine would escape the confines of the IPC, from being their little dog on a leash. And until that day would arrive, Ratio would wait for him albeit not in the best way he could. One where he wouldn't turn down every time Aventurine would invite him to meet out of work reasons.

One where he could wake up with Aventurine always in his arms, his pretty and rare eyes to see him so fondly. Ratio could compare those with even the prettiest of gems in the universe and yet the blondes eyes would win.

They would dance around whatever you would call their foolish relationship. Being oblivious towards one another's so obvious pleads for each other. So close to each other yet so far.

Until they could win the gamble of life and death, chains or freedom, they would wait until the day where they would wake up in the others arms and not question their sanity.

"Maybe, another time we could reminisce how foolish we are now."

Word Count: 793


Another Time - RatiorineWhere stories live. Discover now