Untitled Part 1- Unexpected Call

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Mom's mobile rang. Mom received it and shouted Sine you have a call from your school.

Sine wondered 'from school, its summer vacation, why am I getting a call from the school, is the result out for my boards, what happened I have never received a call from school. She started running towards the direction of her mom's voice from her room.

She raised her eyebrows asking what to her mom? For which mom shrugged and made a I don't know reaction.

She took the mobile from her mom.

On Call

Hridaya: Hello! She answered in a small voice.

Teacher: Hello dear! (The class teacher voice was heard from the other side)

Hridaya: Hello mam! Can... I know what this call is about. (...)

Teacher: Oh yeah! You are selected to represent out school for the 15 days Nature Club camp.

Hridaya: Perplexed she replied, Me, I never applied for anything like that mam? What is this about!

Teacher: Do you remember the club you registered when you were in ninth standard?

Hridaya: Ahh! Yes mam... The one where an expert talked about various snakes. She told herself mentally. It was interesting she smiled.

Teacher: Yeah, that one. They are conducting the camp, and you are selected for the camp. Would you like to go?

Hridaya: Ye...s mam! I would like to. Am I the only one ma'am?

Teacher: Yes dear! Actually, you were not one of the options. But the other 3 selected ones Piran, Joshua and Jonathan declined the offer. So, we suggested you?

Hridaya: She felt upset that she was not even the selected one, but they turned to her as soon as they rejected. Did she really have to tell this to me? But she just said Oh! Okay Ma'am.

Teacher: You have to be ready by the first week of May. You have one week time to prepare for it. It's a stay in camp so you know take everything necessary.

Hridaya: Okay Mam! Will do.

Teacher: Oh! And you will be notified for any further details directly by the camp organizers, I would let them know your confirmation and details. Have a good day dear!

Hridaya: Hmm... Have a good day ma'am.

The beep sounded indicating the end of the call.

Hridaya looked at her mom who was focused on folding the clothes nearby but looked at her daughter in between.

Hridaya: She said, Mom I am selected for a nature camp to be held during the first week of May.

Mom: Mm hmm, after a silence she went what for a camp? All of a sudden. You have never spent a day away from home! How will you manage. What should we do Rida...

Hridaya: I don't know ma, Its just me and no one else from school. I myself don't know how I will manage. But I said OKAY to the teacher.

Mom: She gestured her daughter to come closer and held her tiny hands in hers and said Rida my dear, you want to try it?

Hridaya: Yes ma! I guess I do. I said right the snake one was so good, and I loved the club that's why I registered myself to it. So!

Mom: Okay then let's prepare your things for the camp. Mom replied with a calm smile on her face.

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