chapter 6

23 1 6

Taegan's POV


I mean i rarely curse but this deserves it's own specific moment.

 I rarely get new dms. People did not know i existed to send me any type of message. It has to be some sort of joke. It can't be from my school, can it? I don't have a dp of myself for them to figure out who they are texting. Instead it's a picture of Taylor Swift's New tour look. So people can only find out that i am her fangirl or fanboy. How gorgeous and pretty she looks though! Anyways coming to the main point, Who's this person? With a confused expression, I click on the profile first. All i can see are pictures of cricket and different grounds in his feed. No indication of who owns the account. The Dp also shows no photo of the one who owns it. It only shows a man's shadow playing cricket. There's no way anyone could figure him out through this. But then his followers count make my eyes widen.

 3.5k followers. Wtf. Who owns so many followers??? And here i am stuck in 150. Not that i am complaining but 3.5k's a lot. Maybe this account is a spam or something. But then my eyes follows on his account follower list. Adelaide do follow him and he has a public account. Since Adelaide follows him, I guess it should be okay. Maybe she's the one who told this person about me. I try to call Adelaide and dial her number but it goes straight to voicemail. Girl either have partied to hard or she is still partying. I decide to open the dm once again. And there it is.

"how you doing, Tae?"

How did this person even know the name through which my close ones call me?? Adelaide rarely shares details like this to anymore and of course she wouldn't be a fool to share this detail with any stranger. Could it be Naressa and Adelaide getting back at me for not going to the music fest??? Noooo it can't be. For them to plan this out, they first need a brain. And obviously thinking about how sensitive i get,  they also wouldn't dare to do this. Which brings me again to the point, who is this person??? I gasp. Maybe a stalker. Uhhhhhhh WHY IS THIS SOO FRUSTRATING???!

Just as I try to figure out what to do, the bell runs making me almost fell from the couch. I take heavy breaths. What if the person texted me, managed to get my home address as well???Nooo this is the last thing I want to experience today. I gulp, stand up and go nside the house, only to get to the main entrance. I exhale and then closely start to open the door, gripping the door handle strongly. As soon as I open the door, I am greeted by a loud, excited squeal.


Surprise does overtake my mind, with equal amount of shock. In the porch, stands Aunt Betha and Andy, my cousin grinning at me.

"You guys? It's really is a surprise." I chuckle while Andy grins and wrap me around her arms tightly. Been months since I had last met her. Don't get it wrong. Andy and I, behaved more like biological sisters than cousins. She is my soul sister. But last few months have been hectic in her life. She's 3 years older than me, leading to which she was busy with her university application. As soon as Andy's done hugging me, Aunt Betha pulls me in a warm hug.

"How's my niece holding up?" She asks, hugging me and then taking a good look through her spec, giving me a radiant smile. "I am good but what brings you two here?" I ask smiling and in surprise.

"Well An's just done with her university admission tests and sooo we decided to drop by and give you a surprisee!" She grins at me while I raise my brow at her. Definately i am not buying this. I guess even Aunt betha notices this and she nervously squeals, pretending to be all excited and all. "YIPEEEEE!!"

"Mom called you and asked you to check on me, didn't she?" I ask, crossing my arms 

"W-What....No..." She starts but then notices my firm expression at her and in a nervous voice speaks, "Well she didn't ask me to specifically check on you. She just called to ask me if i can help to see if you are doing well or not or if you needed something" She shrugs and gives me an awkward smile.

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