a new beginning

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A world like new

CHAPTER ONE ~A new beginning~

10-23-2020 : 8:22 am

breakout day:0

As of now, I just woke up an hour ago. As I awoke I got up and sat on the wide, misty gray sofa. It was a soft cushioned seat, and  it was quite comfy. Along with this I made breakfast for my dogs and I. Once I  was done I turned on the television.  It was a warm and  peaceful  friday. Until  a loud siren sounded.. For a day filled with utter despair and disordain.. The day many have awaited for, the day of the purge. I knew we had over population but this is too soon to start the purge.Who knows what will become of  the world after these next 24 hours. All I know is that I might not wake Up alive tomorrow. I hope after the purge life will be safe again, But who Knows. I have faith that the world will return to its former glory soon.I ‘m sure that there will be at least one survivor from these 24 hours of illegal acts, and if not our world is doomed as we know it. May god be with you all. I'll continue to journal Whatever happens. Farewell, for now my friend…

10-23-2020 : 9:01 am

breakout day:0

It's only been39 minutes in and I already hear gunshots coming from outside.. I should get some equipment and run and take shelter in the woods. As for what I would need though, I have not the slightest idea. I'm just going to grab a knife, food, water, and a tent. The basic necessities and maybe a blanket so I stay warm. I will journal again if I make it there alive, sayonara dearest friend…v

10-23-2020 : 3:55 pm

breakout day:0

I've managed to safely make it to the woods unharmed but I can’t get comfy. I must keep moving to stay alive.. I just seen someone get shot.. I need to get out of here. I'm praying I'll be alive tomorrow.. Goodbye until then..

10-24-2020 : 8:09 am

breakout day:1                                                                                                      I ‘ve seen some very disturbing things to say the least. I watched my  friends, family and peers murder Each other,one by one I was the only one left in the city. But something bad happened yesterday Though. Someone dropped a nuclear bomb full of unsafe materials and drugs.. And  I think the apocalypse has begun. Which means the purge was only the beginning.. Now every day will be a fight to survive. The world is ending.. Civilization is declining.. Humanity is done for.. There's no hope left for the other survivors nor myself.  In this world of cold and blue.. I must stay strong.. For them.. My family.. I will avenge your legacy. Currently almost everyone is infected. I must find settlement, quickly. Let’s hope I find other survivors. As of now I must get a move on, farewell my friend..

10-27-2020 : 9:34 am

breakout day:4

It's been 4 days since the purge siren sounded, and I've safely located shelter, and thankfully I didn't run into any of the infected. But I’ve seen many corpses.. along the way to safety just lying lifelessly drenched in their own blood, but unfortunately I haven't located any allies, or survivors either. It was a gruesome sight to see, and honestly I don't think it’ll ever get better from here. I'm losing hope in finding humanity again.. As of now I'm going to continue my search for  non-infected survivors, farewell my dear friend..

10-30-2020 : 9:11 am

breakout day:7

Tomorrow is Halloween, and this time it won't be a celebration.. As of now a war between the infected and  survivors has begun. Let's hope I can create a cure or one will be found before it's too late. Another thing I've noticed about these cold, pale, brain-fried creatures, they aren't “zombies” nor are they “undead”, they caught a disease, and from the research i've done i’ve found that the disease causes your brain to slowly eat itself. Not too much but just enough that you'll be blood thirsty and do bad things, they are just brain dead enough to just be walking sacks of skin and bones.. It undomesticates whomever obtains it. I will try to locate help ASAP. Until then, sayonara.

10-31-2020 : 4:05 am

breakout day:8

I ‘ve just located survivors, and safely escorted myself there in one piece. They seemed dumbfounded that they weren't the only survivors, and honestly I loathed the concern on their faces. I’m overjoyed to no longer be alone during this situation, it feels oddly nice to have people I don't know around me. I guess I'm just lonely due to having no companions or family around me due to them killing each other during the purge. To be completely honest, I'm beginning to get my hopes up on saving the world from the apocalypse but there are thousands of infected now, and only a few of us, but I'm sure we’ll find a way.

10-31-2020 :1:33 pm

breakout day:9

So it turns out that the survivors I met are around the same age as me. They said their names are Jaydin, Klint, and Megun. Apparently Megun and Klint are dating. They were very welcoming, everything was  good until 9:35 when an infected person broke in and Klint, and Megun sacrificed themselves so we could flee. We ran away for a while.. after a while we ran back and found Klint was just sitting there missing an arm, bite marks all over him.. Drenched in Megun’s blood.. It looks like her heart got ripped out.. crying as he was holding Megun’s dead.. lifeless.. Carcass.. just lying there limp, in his arms.. Both of their bodies were overtaken by one another’s bodily fluids, such as blood and tears. Before we could ask what happened an infected person came out of nowhere.. And finished its job of killing them.. As it ripped Klint’s head off.. Blood gushed out everywhere.. It was cold and quiet.. Like never before.. Then the infected spotted us.. Something ignited in Jaydin and he instantly leaped on the infected person and dismembered them.. Swiftly.. And aggressively.. Drenched in blood and a deep feeling of loathing to the person.. He eventually broke and shot the person..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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