Part 1

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''GOD I HATE HIM!!''  I said as I slammed my tray at the table .

You had always been the top student in your class. but ever since Law entered, he had stolen your spot, making you number 2 instead. your teacher always picks you when it comes to difficult questions, but not anymore. 

Law knows what he was doing. every time he answers a question correctly or gets a fantastic grade, he'd turned around and gave you a smirk, which was really getting on your nerves. Nami did a small sigh, seemingly pitying you ''Seems like you hate him that much eh?'' she said while eating her lunch.

''Very much!, he has beaten me every time. I thought we were both equal in terms of knowledge, but it seems not....'' I said while looking down at my food. ''Hey, don't worry. you are doing good yourself. don't let those little things bother you'' Nami said while smiling. 

''I know, it's just, I don't like the fact that Law always acts like he's superior to me. he always mocks me and shows me those smug smiles, god I hate it ugh!!''. 
Robin smiled and reached over ''Don't let it get to you Y/N, I know this is bothering you, but the more you get upset about him, the more you're playing into his cards, alright?'' Robin said. ''My Y/n beautiful chwaaaan, I swear on my life I will take this guy down for you!!'' Sanji's eyes forming into hearts, but before he could noodle-dance to you, Nami slapped him at the back hard, I mean really hard.

''I know you guys are right but its just that..ugh..he's been getting on my nerves and I swear he walks around the campus like he's the king with his fangirls following him around. While me and the others continued talking about Law, Ace and Luffy just went went on shoving foods down there mouths apparently oblivious to what we were talking about. 

Speaking of the devil, Trafalgar fricking Law walked in the cafeteria with a bunch of fangirls drooling over him as he made his way to a free table. ''I don't get it, what is so good about him? He's not that good-looking!'' I said. 
All of the sudden Ace suddenly decided to chime in our conversation, seemingly oblivious to what we were talking about  ''Well guys if you ask me, its pretty obvious what's going on here!! he said while munching on his food  ''And what my dear Ace would that be? Nami says in a sarcastic tone.

''Well, I think Y/N wants the D in Trafalgar D. Water Law, if you know what I mean!!'' he said a tad bit too loud, then proceeded to snicker like a child. While the guys didn't even tried to hold their laughter, you immediately flinched and looked at Law's table. He was already looking back at you, with a wider smirk before, oozing with smugness and hidden intent.
Horrified, you tried to contain the blush rising to your cheeks and not so subtly you kicked Ace's shins under the table, ''Ow!'' he cried out. ''Y/N when did you become such a brute?! 
''You deserved it'' Nami said while Robin nodded.

Utterly embarrassed, you decided to just look down at your food while contemplating on what to do. Part of you wanted to get out of there, away from Law, as fast as possible, but you didn't want to Ace to know he got to you, so you stayed there. You decided to act as nonchalant until lunch ended, thankfully, you're friends took the hint and changed the topic to something else.

So what? There was absolutely no truth to what Ace said. You could never be attracted to Trafalgar Law a man who is conceited, self-absored, sadistic.....out of all people....right?

After finishing your meal, you ever so swiftly looked at Law's table, joyful that he had already left before you. You and your friends then started to pack up and all head to your next class for the day.

You said goodbye to your friends until Luffy spoke up 
''Well guys, there's one thing I don't understand''Luffy said tilting his head in a confusing matter ''What's the matter Luffy?'' Nami said.
''What would Y/N want with a letter?''

Needless to say, me and my friends sweat dropped.


The next day....

Your brain was an evil traitor. After what Ace said during lunch, The more you set your mind in ease, the more your thoughts returned to that damn sadist and his piercing gaze, and his tatoos, and his godamn smirk and..... thinking about him now. Wait, scrap that, am I supposed to face him today?!! Great!! Just great!

You sighed and just decided it was best to avoid Law as he was nothing but trouble. In your next class, when you thought you were safe from seeing him again, Law strolled in and decided to sit behind you. He leaned back against his chair and started chatting with his own friends. You could see him stealing occasional glances in your direction, and you hoped he wouldn't try and talk to you.

And there he was, whispering to his friend, they both laughed and looked in my direction.
I sighed and just tried to act like nothing had happened, even though my face was flushing, my cheeks were red and it felt like I was sweating my ass off, I didn't want to give him the satisfaction on thinking his antics were working


After 90 long minutes, the professor finally dismissed us. You then walked out of the classroom, not paying attention to your surroundings, you walked straight then turned right, only to  accidentally bump into someone. Before you apologize for your clumsiness, you just noticed who you collided with, the one person you didn't want to see everyday, Trafalgar Law.
''Do you mind Law, i have to get lunch..'' I said nonchalantly as possible since I was still very mad and embarrassed from the previous day I couldn't even look at him back. I was getting more and more nervous as i couldn't look at him back because his eyes made mine feel nervous just from seeing them. I could feel the heat rising and my cheeks burning redder from the embarrassment.

''No need to be hostile Y/N-ya, you're the one who bumped into me'' he said while smirking. Without warning he leaned in, his warm lips by your ears ''If you wanted all your attention to yourself, you could have just asked me, Y/N-ya.''
Trying to hold back your gasp, you desperately tried to hold on any sanity you had left. You took a deep breath and said ''Pray tell, why would i want the attention of someone arrogant, self-absorbed, sociopath like you?''

Your insults not fazing him. he rested his arms on the wall, caging you, now stuck between the wall and his body. ''You know, Ace-ya raised an interesting possibility at lunch yesterday. Maybe exploring the energy..............between us wouldn't be so bad, I've been thinking of putting you in your place, Y/N-ya..''

I was shocked by this statement and my mind was going completely blank while i was trying to process what he just said. I could feel the heat rising again and my cheeks blushing like crazy. If Law didn't have that smirk on his face i would've probably punched him right then and there

Law then suddenly chuckles, pull away and smirk victoriously at your (adorably) flustered expression. ''You really are too much fun, Y/N-ya, I'll see you tomorrow'' and there he left me standing there--a blushing mess.
Ace then ''coincidentally'' came. ''Oi Y/N! What happened to you? You look like a blushing mess!'' Ace then proceeded to snicker and you didn't hesitate to kick him this time.

My cheeks were still burning red from his whispering and his smirk. I couldn't even look him in the eyes so i simply growled at Ace.
''You mind your own business! I don't want to hear any more about my name and Law's D in the same sentence!''
he was still snickering ''Oh, don't you worry about that. I won't say anything about it again...'' he snickered again.

Good day everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I will probably post chapters every Friday or Saturday. But if I can post earlier, I'll try to. Thank you for reading this story!

⋆⭒˚.⋆Enemy (Trafalgar Law x Reader) ⋆⭒˚.⋆Where stories live. Discover now