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My interaction with James was quite awkward.
I shouldn't have kissed him, that was silly of me.
It's just been a rough day.
I head back to the Slytherin Common room, deciding to just rest for the remainder of the evening and pull myself together so I can face the rest of term.
When I get to the Slytherin Common Room it's quite quiet for an afternoon but I don't mind.
I spot Arlo sat by the fireplace, watching the flames.
I take a seat next to him "Hey, you" I say, he looks over at me and smiles "Hey" he replies.
He ducks his head down and captures me in a kiss. I cup his cheek as he kisses me and then I brush my nose against his when our lips part.
"I missed you" Arlo says
"You saw me this morning" I reply
"Not for long enough" Arlo retorts
I smile and shake my head at him. When I look away his fingers hook around my chin and force my face back up so I'm looking at him again.
"Don't look away, I like your face" Arlo states almost desperately, as though he's seeing my face for the last time, like be has to memorise every feature lest he never see them again. He stares at me intently and my lips part as I try to rake in more air, but the longer he looks at me, the harder I find it to breathe.
"Are you alright, love?" Arlo asks lowly
"Y-yes" I reply
"You seem a little flustered" Arlo states pointedly
"I do?" I ask
"Mhm" Arlo hums with a grin
"Well, if you didn't keep looking at me I wouldn't be so flustered" I admit
"So it's me making you flustered?" Asks Arlo
"Of course it is" I reply
"Is it that obvious?" Asks Arlo
"It should be by now" I reply
Arlo grins and pulls me in for another kiss and I smile against his lips. We don't completely pull away, we leave little space between our faces.
"Be my boyfriend" I say
Arlo reels back slightly and stares at me with surprise "Come again?" Asks Aro
"Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, clearer this time.
"Y-yes, yes I-I will" Arlo stutters as a smile breaks out on his face.
He grabs my face and smashes his lips against mine in a passionate, breath-taking kiss. The kiss deepens and I can feel the mood and the tension shift as Arlo deepens the kiss.
"My dorm room is empty" He says quietly in my ear
"Lead the way" I reply
He takes my hand and guides me up the stairs to his dorm room, closes the door and locks it before his attention is immediately back onto me now.
He strides over to me and wraps me in his arms, closing the space between us as he kisses me once more. His hips are pressed against mine and I can feel him through his jeans.
"You're mine" he growls into my mouth
"I'm yours" I reply breathlessly "all yours" I add as I snake my arm between the two of us and rest my hand on the bulge of his jeans causing his breath to hitch in his throat. He grinds into my hand and I add some pressure, he groans in response and I smile against his lips once more.
He then takes my hand away and pushes me down onto the bed, roughly, but not rough enough to hurt, just rough enough to be attractive as fuck.
Possessive Arlo has come out to play.
He looms over me as he nibbles my ear lobe, palming my crotch as he kisses down my neck. I elicit small whimpers as he adds pressure to my crotch and I lift my hips in an attempt to gain more friction.
"So needy" Arlo coos as his free hand runs up the inside of my shirt, sending a shiver down my spine
"Please" I beg
"Tell me how much you need me, and you might get what you want" Arlo demands as he takes his hand away. I whimper at the loss of contact and softly buck my hips up in a desperate attempt to get it back.
"I need you, Arlo. I need you to touch me, explore me, I need you" I all but beg as I stare at him with pleading eyes.
"That's my good boy" Arlo coos as he undoes my trousers and pulls them just low enough that he can wrap his hand around my shaft. I shiver at the contact.
He kisses me as his hand grips and slowly pumps me. I moan into his mouth as pleasure courses through my body. Soon enough he removes his hands once more so he can undress himself. I take this opportunity to remove the rest of my clothes too.
My eyes rake over his body, capturing my bottom lip with my teeth as I admire the beautiful man that he is as he spreads my legs and positions himself before entering me.
He leans down so he's close to my ear "you're mine" he breathes into my ear as he begins to thrust in and out of me
"all yours" I confirm breathlessly, finding it hard to focus on words when bouts of endless pleasure are capturing every nerve in my body. My soul focus is on how his body is making me feel, I can barely comprehend sentences when he's inside of me.
His thrusts are sharp and consistent, growing quicker and rougher the more possessive he gets.
"Mine. Mine. Mine." He almost chants it in my ear "You're mine, Regulus, you'll always be mine" He states affirmatively "Always" I confirm in between a string of moans.
Afterward he lays on top of me, his chin resting on my chest the way James used to do. I should stop comparing him to James, it's not fair on either of them, but I can't help it.
Arlo looks like James, almost a carbon copy, except his hair is lighter and so is his skin tone, they're scarily similar.
I fear sometimes that maybe he is just a substitute for James, but they're two different people, both of them treat me very differently.
My problem now is that James is treating me the way he should have when we were together, and my heart hurts looking at Arlo knowing he only has eyes for me while I'm here missing James.
Maybe I'm a terrible person.
Maybe I can live with that.
Maybe I should focus on the boy resting on my chest.
"Regulus" Arlo says, pulling my attention back to him
"Arlo" I reply
"I love you" he says
I feel like someone's chucked a bucket of ice cold water over me. I must look like a deer in headlights the way I'm staring at him with wide eyes
"Oh" I say, shocked, that's not what I was expecting.
Sure, we've been sleeping together since September, it's almost February, I probably should love him by now. I do have love for him, I'm not sure I'm quite in love with him yet. I feel terrible. I can't lie to him.
Maybe lying would be easier.
But I really shouldn't
I need to say something, I'm just gaping at him.
"Oh" I repeat
"Yeah, you've said that one" Arlo states flatly
"I'm sorry I just- I don't know what to say" I admit
"You're not going to say it back?" He asks, sounding wounded
"I want to"
"Then say it"
"I can't lie to you"
Alro sits up "good to know" he says as he starts to redress
I should be the one redressing if this is going to end in one of us leaving considering we're in his dorm
"Arlo, please, you can't force that out of me" I say almost pleadingly
Arlo pauses and faces me, his expression stoic "How long did it take you to say it to him?" Asks Arlo
"Who?" I ask
"James" he says through gritted teeth, as though James' name pains him to say, maybe it does.
"That's not really relevant, this is a different relationship" I reply
"When did you tell him, Regulus?" Arlo asks firmly
"December last year" I admit
"When did you get together?" Asks Arlo
"October last year" I admit
Arlo scoffs "We've been sleeping together and getting to know each other for over four fucking months, Regulus, and I'm still not good enough for you" Arlo replies
"Arlo, you can't keep comparing what we have to what I had with James that's not fair"
"Why? Does it make you feel bad when I remind you I'm just his substitute?"
"Arlo, stop it"
"No, Regulus, I can't keep doing this. I can't keep feeling like his replacement, I can't keep being second best to him, it's bad enough he got you before I did"
"You didn't know me before the summer"
"That's not the fucking point"
"Then what is your point? I've made it clear that I'm yours, that you are your own person, that I don't see you as a substitute for James. I don't know what more you want me to do. I do have love for you, Arlo, I love everything about you, I'm just not 100% sure I'm in love with you, I just need time"
"Time, sure, all you need is time. I think you need to stay away from James Potter. Tell me, when was the last time you spoke to him?"
"Earlier" I admit guiltily, unable to meet his eyes. I have nothing to be guilty about, perhaps other than that kiss. But it was barely a kiss and Alro and I weren't together at that point. So no, I have nothing to be guilty about
"Fucking unbelievable. I don't want you seeing him anymore" Arlo states
I'm now getting dressed because I'm not sticking around if he's going to be like this.
"You can't tell me who I can and can't talk to"
"I think me asking you not to speak to your ex is quite rational, actually"
"I can't not talk to him if we're going to attend order meetings for our mission"
"That's different, I'll be there"
"What? So you can monitor me?"
Arlo says nothing at this "So you don't trust me?" I ask
"Not with him I don't" Arlo replies
"Oh grand, you're mad at me because I'm not ready to say I love you yet, somehow you've made it about James and yet again it's all my fucking fault, because you're just picture perfect aren't you, Arlo? I'm the flawed one here, I need to change to fit your standards do I?"
"No, Regulus, you're blowing this way out of proportion"
I scoff at him "You have got to be fucking kidding me" I say before storming out.
He follows me down the staircase "Regulus, come back" Arlo calls
"No, Arlo, just fuck off will you? You can't keep blaming me and James for any bump or flaw in this relationship. I think you need to take some time to reflect on yourself and come back when you're ready to talk instead of playing the fucking blame game" I state firmly before continuing to descend the stairs.
"Trouble in paradise, Reggie?" Asks Barty as I enter the common room
"You heard that did you?" I ask
"I think the giant squid heard it, mate" Evan replies as I take a seat on the sofa adjacent to them
"Well that's just brilliant" I reply, resting my head in my hands.
I really thought this one would be different, it's not looking likely at the moment.
I'll talk to Arlo later and we can sort it out but I'm bound to say something I'll regret if I try to sort it out now.
So instead I just sit in the common room in front of the fire, watching the flame dance as I think about what I'm going to do


Hello there my loves!!

I hope you're all okay!! This one is a bit spicy, a bit angsty, a bit hot and heavy if you will but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Anyways, I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day!!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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