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You are taken to the turtle's crib, Donnie basically being your Uber driver for the whole ride. When they popped the manhole, you kinda thought it was a prank. But once all the bros slid down and Donnie told you the 'I recommend holding your breath' line, you knew it was legit.

Even though you're traipsing around the sewers, you do your best to not look like you're gonna throw up. Yeah, the stench is next-level nasty, but you don't wanna be a total jerk to the dudes who saved your butt.

Once you arrive at the lair's entrance, you notice it's an old train station, 'cause there are train tracks right outside. Stepping into their pad, Leo throws a look at his bros, doing the classic 'Shh' thing with his finger, and they creep into the lair like they're trying not to wake up a bear. 'What's with the stealth mode? What could a bunch of mutant ninjas be scared of?'. While you're spacing out, a voice echoes from another room.

"Greetings my children! How was your first visit to the surface?"

You and the turtles basically choke on your own screams when a human-like rat waltzes into the room. He's got this walking stick, looking all old and wise. He stops dead in his tracks when he spots you, still riding piggyback on Donnie. The giant rat sizes you up, looking pretty shocked, while the bros are sweating bullets, standing at attention.

"Who is this human?" Asks the rat, burning holes onto the boy's foreheads. "Why are they in our lair?" They stay mum for a hot sec, and then Leo speaks up.

"S-sensei?" Leo clears his throat, gesturing at you like you're a show-and-tell item. "Meet MC" You give a little wave at the giant rat, figuring he's probably chill. "MC, this is our father" He now gestures at the rat man, presenting him to you. 'Nothing scarier than an angry parent...'.

"They wanna crash here for the night, with us, instead of in their apartment" Grunts Raph, shootin' you a look that screams 'Don't mess this up.' Leo catches wind of it and jabs him with his elbow.

"We rescued them from being kidnapped, sensei. They're hurt and feel in danger... And their father, he--" Donnie starts saying, a hint of guilt in his tone. "He-- he got taken. We couldn't manage to save them both"

"Sensei, you should've been there! We were totally awesome!" Blurts out Mikey, throwing up a 'victory' hand gesture. "They're a bit freaked out about sleeping alone, so I had this genius idea of inviting them to crash at our place for the night!" He notices his brothers shooting him annoyed looks. "Uh, yeah! That's the deal... and that's why they're, you know, here..."

The rat glances at the turtles for a moment before rocking a smile, strolling toward you with a calm and kind aura. "You have done a good deed today, my sons. I am proud of you all" The brothers finally breathe again as the rat turns back to you. "MC, is that so?" His voice is soothing, with a hint of interest in the tone. "I am Hamato Splinter, and these are my sons. I guess you are already acquainted. Don't worry, you'll be in good hands."

You breathe out a sigh of relief, while Donnie gently sets you down on the couch and bounces off to another room. "Thanks, sir" You say with your best polite tone. "Your sons were total heroes today. They've got some serious martial skills!"

"Thank you, MC. I've trained them myself" His gaze shifts to a more serious one as he strokes his beard. "Do you happen to know why someone might have wanted to kidnap you and your father?"

You shake your head no, just as Donnie makes his way back. He's got a blanket and a pillow in tow. Placing the pillow above your head and draping the blanket over you, he slides back to his spot beside his brothers.

A grateful smile spreads across your face, and Donnie smirks in response. "I.... I just never thought something like this could happen. As far as I know, my family was on good terms with everyone" You say, a weak chuckle escaping your lips. Your mind wanders to your mom, who always seemed to put on a show to get along with people. You wonder if anyone knew these alien robots, and decided to mess with you. "About your sons... You've trained them well, sir. They saved my life and tried to help my dad as well... I'm in debt to you all."

Splinter grins warmly and talks in a soothing tone. "You are not indebted to anyone, MC. My sons acted because they felt they must, not because they wanted something in return"

"At least let me help sometime? I'm a medicine student, and your sons seem to have... a dangerous hobby" You say, eyeing the weapons the boys carry. "If any of you ever get hurt, just tell me, I'll do my best" You promise, determination ringing in your voice.

"Oooh! You're a doc?" Grins Mikey, flashing a big smile. "Cool!"

"Not yet, but I'm getting there. I've been rocking some hands-on courses and read up on how to provide first aid, so I've got a good idea of what to do. So... I'd say I could be helpful"

Leo smirks as you make your offer. "Thanks, MC. That's pretty generous. We don't usually get injured, but, you know, it might come in handy someday, now that we are able to go to the surface... Hopefully not too soon"

Raphael, arms crossed, gives a nod of approval, easing up a bit from his initial skepticism. "Guess it's fine, as long as you keep your hands off our gear"

Donnie's eyes light up with enthusiasm. "Having an extra set of hands around? Sounds like a plan! Finally, no more playing nurse"

"You know first aid?" You inquire, intrigued.

"Yeah! I've mastered the fundamentals. Someone's got to manage these matters, you know?" He raises a finger. "Understanding a bit about first aid is vital, especially when it comes to tending to my own injuries, so I don't blow myself up in the lab too frequently" He chuckles mischievously, crossing his arms. "But hey, I lean more towards being a scientist or inventor than a caregiver. Having a real doctor around is quite a relief"

You smile appreciatively, catching the sincerity in the brothers' words. "Well, no promises on mutant-sized band-aids, but I'll do my best to patch you up if the need arises! Seriously, thanks. You guys are saviors in more ways than one"

Splinter looks genuinely stoked that you're throwing out that offer, giving you a smile."You have a good heart, MC, and I appreciate what you are offering. It is nice to know that, should the time come, we can rely on your expertise" And he bows slightly at you, showing respect. "Please, feel free to visit or stay over whenever you like, you're always welcomed"

You return the bow, lower, 'cause, you know, he's the elder. "Thanks, Sir! I'll behave, I swear"

"Just call me Splinter, or Sensei, if you prefer being casual."

You nod, happy you won't have to sleep alone tonight or whenever you're not feeling like staying at your apartment. Splinter then turns around, making a hand gesture to his sons.

"Get ready for bed, it is getting late, and we don't want to be bad hosts" He says, as the brothers bow at their father. "Hai, sensei!"

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