Chapter 9 - For The Greater Good

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They all strolled into the tense classroom once again. Mr. Baggins paced alternately to either side of the room, pinching the bridge of his nose once again. The light shone through the split asymmetric blinds with parts of darkness still illuminating in the serene of the sky. Clock's still in working order, the double glazed windows had shards of glass on the floor, unbearable to sleep on.

"There you guys are, how did it go? Did you find anything at least?" Lee turned around and asked with uncertainty.

"We were able to get some but not much. Why do you ask?" Elliot questioned softly.

"We were goddamn ambushed." Mr. Baggins said, holding his head in annoyment. "What were you guys doing?? There was a lot of racket coming from your direction!"

"Well I can explain the ruckus." Mimi said confidently and turned her head to Oliver's direction. "Right Oliver?"

"Oh boy." Lee muttered to himself.

"--Cause when we were down there, your dumbass decided to throw my phone at the machine and continued to be blatantly loud." she directly tattled on him.

"At least i managed to break the fucking glass instead of you bitching about your phone." Oliver justified himself. "And I wasn't the only one yelling."

"Whatever, it was mostly his fault anyway." Mimi proudly responded.

An eerie soundlessness was the only thing present to everyone at the same time. Ringing in the character's ears was like an invisible alarm. Light dripping was heard every few seconds, almost like a faucet dribbling. Mimi looked down as the sound sounded the nearest to her, eyes drew down to the crisp floor. A miniscule puddle was forming underneath their feet. It was Oliver's wrist, somehow not causing him great lengths of pain. There was no expression on her empty canvas face, she stared at Oliver. Giving him a hard look.

"Hey, depresso." she snarled, trying to tick him off. "Did you really hurt yourself while we were getting resources?"

Octavia and Robin picked up on what Mimi was attempting to do, Octavia narrowed her expression and pointed at her while Robin was unsure of what to do in the hearing situation. Herself became overwhelmed, Alex's eyes started to be caught with Oliver's wrist as others began to draw their attention as well.

"You were...-bitten?" Alex spoke up with her voice slightly groggily. Her face is filled with fright as her caucasian skin is turned noticeably paler than before.

"Bitten? What sort of nonsense is that Alex?" Rick said as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Bitten?-" Lee jumped in and pushed past Robin. "You were bitten by one of them?"

Oliver finally responded to the allegations. "Me? Hell no! Well, maybe. For all I know one of those shits surprise attacked me!"

"The hell do you mean 'maybe'? There's blood dripping down your arm!" Mimi retaliated back at Oliver.

In an instant reaction, Mimi attempted to snatch his wrist. As she grabbed Oliver's wrist to show it to everyone else. He fumed.

"Don't touch me you bitch!" he cursed before he yanked his arm free and abusively pushed her away from him.

"Ah! What was that for?!" Mimi yelled as everyone went across the room from Oliver.

As Mimi dramatically stumbled back Octavia caught her before she was able to plummeted to the floor. She grabbed Mimi with her own arms underneath the staged teens arms to pull her up onto her own feet.

"Oliver! You can't just shove someone like that!" Lee yelled back at him now.

Everyone stood away from Oliver and were huddled in a petite corner with the other teenagers. Rick, Mr. Baggins and Alex were near the front with the others peeking.

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