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Dear reader,


Fue to recent circumstances of Wilbur being an abuser I will no longer be supporting the publishing of this story on my account.

Although this was a very successful story of mine and i am (kind of) proud of it. it definitely brings me more pride in supporting Shelby (Shubble) and other victims in these circumstances.

The MCYT community will hold a special place in my heart that brings me joy every time it comes to mind. But this silly little story I wrote in the early hours of the morning in lockdown isn't good enough anymore for me to keep up.

It hurts that these things that Shelby has spoken about are true, It brings pain to my heart to say Fuck Wilbur and everything he has done to Shelby, Niki, and others. The monster that he is deserves no succession in these times.

However, this does not mean that I condone any death threats or hateful/life ending comments that could be sent to him as I am a firm believer that no one deserves those things.

If you aren't aware of what's going on, I suggest you look at Shelby's VOD on 21-2-2024 (you can search up Shubble talking about wilbur vod and it comes up.) and see what has happened.
Now the statement that Wilbur has released is utter dog shit and holds no accountability for his actions. He claims that he wasnt in the wrong for not knowing what Shelby's limits were but as Shelby said in their VOD, a safeword that had been agreed to was used only for when Wilbur should push the limit completely.

And as a final note,
If you were as strong of a Wilbur fan as I was, I understand the pain here, it took a minute to realise that it was true and that, this was all Wilbur's persona and it couldn't have beeb replicated into his actual life.
But just think,
an online persona has to have gotten inspiration somewhere.

Author ✨

Apologies for the rant here but I literally had to redownload this godforsaken app in order to remove this story.

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