Chapter 18

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Chit Chat

After breakfast, Katsuki grabbed Izuku's meds, his hands swiftly sorting through the bag. Izuku's hesitant whisper caught his attention. "Do I have to take the antidepressant? It makes me feel weird."

Katsuki shot him a glare, annoyed yet genuinely worried. "Huh? You gotta take all the crap the hospital gave me," he insisted, shaking the bag of pill vials like they were nothing but a nuisance.

Were all these meds really necessary? Sure, he knew they were supposed to help, but damn, it felt like Izuku was swallowing down a whole pharmacy. Shrugging, Katsuki prepped the meds and handed them to Izuku. With a heavy sigh, Izuku reluctantly swallowed them down, resignation plastered on his face like he knew he had no damn choice.

"Stop being a damn baby," Katsuki grumbled, his tone softened by a hint of teasing as he wheeled Izuku over to the couch by the window. Gently, he settled Izuku onto the cushions, making sure he was comfortable. Katsuki wanted him to ease into the apartment without any unnecessary stress.

"When's the last time you felt the sun?" Katsuki mused aloud as he threw open the blinds, inviting the morning sunlight to bathe the room. Izuku shivered in delight, closing his eyes as the golden rays kissed his face. Katsuki watched him for a heartbeat, it was like watching life breathe back into him after being cooped up for so long.

His green hair seemed to catch fire with highlights of gold, each strand glistening with newfound vibrancy. The sunlight caressed his freckled cheeks, casting them in a soft, radiant glow that chased away the shadows of fatigue. It was a sight that stirred something deep within Katsuki. That part of him that always questioned if he was capable of loving him.

Grabbing a blanket from the nearby seat, draping it over Izuku's waist, ensuring he stayed nice and cozy. With gentle fingers, he adjusted the oxygen line on Izuku's face, his rough fingers causing a faint tickle that made Izuku scrunch his nose in response. Those ruby eyes watched Izuku closely—a small hint of disappointment at the reaction to his touch.

Now that he and Izuku were alone, Katsuki felt a strong desire to be closer to him, to explore the feelings that had been nagging at him for so long. He had always been rough around the edges, not knowing how to express his emotions in a way that didn't come off as aggressive or dismissive. But now, he wanted to push those boundaries, to see if what he felt truly was what people called love. Maybe if he...

His finger traced the side of the oxygen line, grazing Izuku's cheek gently. Izuku's eyes fluttered open, meeting Katsuki's intense gaze. The light fractals danced within Izuku's irises, revealing the intricate dance of dark jade and obsidian flecks that adorned his irises. He blinked, momentarily stunned by the proximity of Katsuki's touch and the intensity of his stare.

"Uhh... wh-what's wrong?" he stammered, his cheeks flushing as he shifted uncomfortably under Katsuki's stare, fidgeting with the hem of his sweater. Katsuki took it all in, feeling his heart flutter at how... how beautiful Izuku looked in the sunlight.

Whatever this feeling was, maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

He let his hand linger on Izuku's cheek for a moment longer, tracing the soft curve of his jawline with his thumb. Izuku's blush deepened, and he bit his lip, the fidgeting growing more pronounced. Katsuki couldn't help but smirk, amusement lighting up his eyes. "Nah, just makin' sure you're still with us," he teased. Izuku's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red, spreading all the way to his ears, his mouth opening to reply before shutting again struggling to find his words. Katsuki couldn't help but chuckle at Izuku's flustered reaction, finding it cute as hell. But he knew he had to tread carefully; overwhelming Izuku with whatever this was wouldn't do any good, especially when he was still getting back on his feet. Besides, there was a nagging doubt in the back of his mind—what if Izuku didn't feel the same way?

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