Prologue - Introduction

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A small town in a nation different from our own sits in the middle of a vast sea of green grass and a multitude of hills. This nation is known as Renajah. Renajah has things like radios and motor wagons but seems to lack any further technology. No cell phones, TVs, sports cars, or anything of the like. A magical, yet mostly medieval-like time. It was the year 1685 A.T.D. Renajah isn't a perfect nation, being divided by many different ideals and walks of life. The small town you're seeing is called Rynek. Rynek is one of the few places with minimal conflict. This town is filled with all kinds of pubs and markets. Not many people live here to have a quiet life. Most live here just to party or sell their goods.

Today, the people of Rynek are celebrating Tradesmen Day. Everything in the marketplace is half-price. Many travelers stop by to shop, then go to a pub to party, before leaving the town the following day. This is how it usually is. But on this day, what makes it so special, there are more travelers than ever. At the center of town, there is a big building, unusual to the ones that surround it. One of cold, gray material, unlike the wood and clay houses around it. This building has two big entrances. One at the back and front of the building. There is also a big stained glass mural on the left side of the building. This mural had seven people-like figures, and one bird-like creature, reaching for something that was at the center of the piece. Whatever should be at the center, seemed to be missing. And with that, the tale begins.

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