Ch_8. Disappointed

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(Sooha's POV)

"Please stay for the dinner. I'm just finishing." She looks at grandpa and me.

"Thanks Aunty but grandma will be really mad if we waste her dinner." I say politely.

"Oh! It's fine. It's been so long and I just missed you so much." She says and I feel bad when I heard her.

"Why don't you stay? I'll tell your grandma." Grandpa says as he smiles at me.

"Okay." I glup once before saying since I don't have the heart to turn down Mrs. Lee expectant smile. She smiles more widely at my answer.

Grandpa go back and I help Mrs. Lee in the kitchen.

"Aunty, Uncle didn't come?" I ask while laying the table.

"No. He's busy with work." She laughs while stirring the soup.

"But I said that I'm going home whether or not he is coming." She says and I smile at how she phrase the word 'home'. That's why I like her. She's the kindest and the sweetest lady with a smile always ready.

"But I forced Felix to come with me though." She laughs and I feel a pang of disappointment across my chest when I heard that he didn't want to come here. But I force a smile.

Who am I kidding! Why would he even want to come here!

"Felix! Dinner is ready!" She calls but there comes no reply. She sighs and turn to me.

"Sooha sweety can you call him? I'll finish up till then." She says and I nods at her, not wanting to be rude.

"Thanks. His room is upstairs on the right." She smiles at me and I walk upstairs towards the directed room.

After a few seconds I stand in front of Felix's door. I consider barging in but decided against it. I don't want to talk to him. I'm still pissed at him though I don't know the exact reason. I take a few seconds before knocking on the door.

"Dinner is ready. Aunty is calling you." I say coldy and turn to walk away when I heard shuffling. I look back and the door abruptly opens.

"Sooha!" Felix seems to be genuinely surprised to see me and a bit happy too. Nah! I must have imagined the later part. There's no way he'd be happy to see me. He looks so different from the morning though, in a simple back sweatpant and white tee-shirt. I quickly break my gaze before starting to walk again.

"Hey! Are you ignoring me?" He follows after me but I don't pay attention to him or his words. I head straight to the kitchen when I reach downstairs.

"What were you doing? You didn't even hear me calling." Mrs. Lee says as she looks at Felix. He nervously looks away, unable to meet his mother's eyes.

"He was studying, Aunty." I say accidentally. Shit! I curse inside my head when I feel his stare burning my side. I ignore him.

I want to slap myself for my slip of tongue. It was an old habit of mine to defend him whenever he got in trouble, when we were friends of course, so it's like a instinct.

Well old habit really die hard!

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