Ch_4. Blackmail

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(Sooha's POV)

"Okay." He withdraws and walks away. I blink in disbelief. Hm? So easy?

I was actually getting happy that I won when Felix turn back and smirk. Who am I kidding? He flashes his phone and it takes a few second before my eyes widen to the size of a saucer. Playing on it is a video of Mr. Choi scolding me and Eunha.

"So you don't mind if I show this to your grandma?" He says while waving the phone in his hand. I do the first thing that come in my mind which is me trying to grab his phone. And that's impossible with such a swift reflexed person.

"Uh-huh." He shakes his head. "You didn't seriously think I didn't backup such an important thing?"

I curse in my head. I don't think of it before. It won't be any use even if I delete the clip then. I clench my fist. He knows grandma is my weak point and he's clearly taking advantage of it.

"So?" He grins, knowing that he has the upper hand. "What do you say?"

"Okay." I grit my teeth.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you?" He says on purpose, taking enjoyment on my suffering. What a psycho!

"I said Okay! I'll do it! Happy!" I snap, glaring at him and he grins widely like the psycho he is.

"Now delete the clip."

"When did I say I'll delete it?"

"What! You-" I stop myself when I realise he didn't, in fact. I have been fooled. He laughs and walks away while waving the phone in his hand.

"Bye. And bring it to me when you're done."

I glare at his retreating back and curse. That's all I can do though. I pick up his notebooks and I make sure to do it harshly, venting my anger on the innocent things, before stomping towards the lockeroom. No! They belong to him! They are far from innocent.

Once I reach my locker, I open it and dump everything inside before  slamming the door shut. Some students near me give me the weirds looks that read 'she nuts?' but I don't care. I need to vent out on something. Then I stomp my way towards cafeteria while cursing in my head the whole way.

That Lee fucking Felix! Who does he think he is! Ordering people like that! I just wish he rot in hell!

Suddenly I bump to someone. I look up with literally fire in my eyes, ready to blaze off this innocent unlucky person, only to meet a confused looking Heeseung. And just like that, all my anger flies out of the window.

It is my first time seeing him up this close. Those eyes and those lips and that nose. Damn! He's so handsome! Even more handsome than the word handsome! I abruptly step back when I realise I have been staring at him like a weirdo.

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