Chapter 16

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Roll Out

Meeting up with Aizawa, Katsuki wasted no time in whisking Izuku away to a quieter corner of the hospital, away from the prying eyes of others. Carefully cradling Izuku, bundled up in the blanket, Katsuki's eyes never left Izuku's face for more than a few seconds. He noticed every hint of discomfort, each breath becoming a struggle for oxygen. The sound of Izuku's strained gasps filled the air, increasing Katsuki's anxiety. To make matters worse, Katsuki couldn't help but notice how frail he felt, almost like he was holding a delicate porcelain doll. All those years in that coma had taken their toll, his muscles hardly more than wisps beneath the blanket.

They entered a secluded room on the lower levels when Aizawa, understanding the severity of the situation, sprang into action, requesting medical supplies, an oxygen line, and a tank for Izuku. Katsuki stayed glued to Izuku's side, his grip on Izuku's hand tightening with each labored breath. Don't freak out. He's okay. He's breathing. He's alive. He repeated the words like a mantra, trying to steady his racing heart.

When Aizawa returned with the oxygen line, Katsuki jumped right into recounting the nightmare they'd just lived through. His eyes never strayed far from Izuku's pale face, desperate for any hint of improvement. Katsuki's gaze swept over the bruises forming on Izuku's neck from where that bastard had choked him, each purple mark ramping up his anxiety. Nurses hustled around, setting up the oxygen and drawing blood for tests, but the air was still heavy with tension. Everyone clung to Izuku's every breath, silently praying for any sign of progress.

Surveying the worn waiting room, Katsuki's sharp eyes took in the tired furniture and the layers of dust coating everything. The air felt stagnant, suffused with an atmosphere of anxiety. He sank onto a battered couch against the wall, cradling Izuku like he was the most precious thing in the world. The weight of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders, his fear of losing Izuku again driving his protectiveness to new heights. His gaze, fiercely protective, darted between the nurses, ready to shield Izuku from any potential harm. He'd be damned if he let anyone lay a finger on Izuku again.

Aizawa ordered the staff, except the head nurse, to leave, emphasizing the need for secrecy as they planned an escape route for Izuku. "Dynamight, call your heroes from your agency," Aizawa's voice cut through the room, commanding Katsuki's attention. "We need them to secure the hospital exits. If we play our cards right, we might be able to sneak Midoriya out in an ambulance. I have a safe house with medical equipment, a place no one knows about. That's where I'm sending him."

After a brief pause, he continued. "For his safety, I think only one of us should be sent with him for protection. Bakugo, you should stay behind as all eyes are always on you."

Katsuki's blood boiled at Aizawa's suggestion, his muscles tensing with anger. The very thought of letting Izuku out of his sight was like a vice gripping his chest, squeezing the breath out of him.

How the hell could Aizawa even think about it? Did he not get it? The only person who really understood Katsuki PTSD was Aizawa, how did he not understand the terror ripping at Katsuki's insides, the sheer panic at the idea of losing Izuku again? "The fuck do you mean? I'm not letting him out of my sight," he snapped, his grip on Izuku tightening possessively. The thought of being separated from Izuku, even for a moment, was unbearable. "I busted my ass for those damn medical therapy certificates precisely for this reason."

All Might interjected, trying to reason with him, "But young man, your agency—" Damn the agency. Damn the rules. How could they expect him to prioritize anything else when Deku was lying here injured?

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