Chapter 33

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Tommy had sent Isaiah and Marianna out on a job, Finn had become too distracted by Jean that he thought his head was in the game enough, but he knew he could rely on Isaiah and Marianna. The two had travelled for most of the day, when night began to fall and they stopped at a nearby lodging in.

The two were sat in Isaiah's room as they made their plans for the next day. Something had felt off between the two of them, they didn't know for how long, or what it was, all they knew was that they both could feel it. They had gone from childhood best friends to enemies, to not seeing each other, to reuniting as enemies to becoming friends again, but there was something more, their friendship didn't feel the same as it did as kids.

Marianna didn't look at the Isaiah and see a little childish boy in front of her who would annoy her at any chance he would get, sure he annoyed her all the time, but it was different now, he was a man, a very good-looking one at that, and his words didn't cause rage as much as bring a rouge tint to her cheek. Isaiah didn't look Marianna and see a small wild girl who caused havoc on just about anyone and was bossy as can be, instead he saw a woman, who was beautiful beyond any girl he had ever seen or been with, a woman who held such confidence and a charismatic energy that he not only admired her but bathed in her presence.

The two had gone from innocent children chasing each other, shoving, pulling pushing and yelling to mature young adults who had this inextricable tension wrapped around them, woven through every little thing either one did, that their minds couldn't scape one another. Now Isaiah internally had fully excepted that every time Marianna entered a room, or he would here her laugh from a far, his heart would stop for a moment, and then speed up, though he couldn't say it with words, his mind was fully and entirely engrossed on one thought, her.

Now Marianna she was a little more stubborn, and rightfully so, her walls continued to build up higher as she took hit after hit, but she couldn't shut out the slight flutter in her stomach or the rosy glow on her cheeks when she spotted Isaiah watching from a far, or the way he was so attentive with her and Louis, even their bickering had changed from merely annoyance to something with more of an agenda to one another.

They continued to be stuck in their thoughts without realising, Marianna coughing to break the between the two, "I uh should um go to my room its late" she fumble with the stuff on the table, "yeah uh yes its pretty late now" he fumbled too, grabbing the map and scrunching the papers of the table, both distracting themselves from the tension that threatened to drown them.

"So yeah, ill see you tomorrow" Marianna stopped by the door, they both stood there for a slight second, but neither one could bring themselves to say a word, anything, what was so desperately need to be said. The silence just engulfed them, as they looked deeper and deeper into each others eyes, begging for the other to just say the words they ached for, and for moment it seemed as if they would, as Isaiah spoke up,"yeah goodnight". Both their eyes dropping away from each other's, Marianna almost sighed, turning and leaving closing the door behind her.

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