The Beauty of Egypt

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This is my first story.

I hope you like it.

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I was certain my day couldn't get any worse.

I looked around the dry land that surrounded me.


That's right; Egypt.

There was no way of getting round it this time, no excuse. My parents had forced me on one of their dull family holidays and I was sure I was going to keel over from boredom. With my older brother Nick to my right, my younger sisters to my left and mum and dad in front of me making kissie noises at the baby there was no denying it; this was my personal hell.

I sighed as the fairly overweight women at the front of the bus continued her tour. You know? the normal "if you look to the left you will see... and if you look to the right you will see... and it has been here for..." crap. The thing that surprised me the most was that people were actually paying attention to her. I mean my math classes were normally more interesting than this.

"What's up little bro?" I glared at Nicks smirking face. Yeah, we don't really get along. We don't hate each other or nothing; we just prefer to keep our distance. I don't know what my parents were thinking when they sat us together.

"I'm sat next to you, life doesn't get more depressing." He laughed and shook his head; brown hair blowing in what little wind there was.

"The feeling mutual, Kit." He said before turning to look at some building we were approaching. Even my brother - the worlds biggest player - was enjoying this. What was the world coming to?

Closing my eyes, I tried to think back to more enjoyable times. I would have succeeded had it not been for the gentle humming that invaded my ears. I opened my eyes to glare to whoever it was but the sound faded until it was a silent echo.

I frowned. Obviously the sun was driving me mad. Why anyone would want to live in a country so hot I'd never know.

I pulled out my phone hopping for the comfort of another voice, any other voice; but there was no signal. Glaring once more at its screen I pushed it into my pocket. It just wasn't my day.

Much to both my relief - and disgust - we pulled up in front of a building that had seen better days.

"The Temple of Edfu," The fat woman announced. "Built between 237 and 57 BC, It was believed that the temple was built on the site of the great battle between Horus and Seth. Hence, the current temple was but the last in a long series of..." I stopped listening to her toneless voice and followed the line of people of the bus.

As I took in the area surrounding the building I let out an audible groan. "Oh yay, more sand." Nick laughed and mum sent me a dirty look.

"This is one of the oldest buildings in Egypt, show some respect." I rolled my eyes.

"Heaven-forbid I offend the building." I muttered

"What was that." Her gray eyes dared me to say something. My mum - despite being thirty eight - had yet to show signs of aging. Her black hair was tied back loosely despite her height, she could be scary as hell.

"Nothing," I said glaring at Nick as he smacked me over the back of the head. "What was that for?" I asked him through gritted teeth.

"Insulting this beautiful country." I threw my hands in the air.

"You hate geography, and history." He smirked.

"But the chicks here are hot..." My mum coughed and he altered his answer. "And I'm sure they tell me about some of the traditions here." I shook my head, rolled my eyes at my dad and tuned out of the conversation.

Ahead of me the twins - Crissy and Lara - asked the lady questions and by the set of her face, it was clear she wanted nothing more than to go home. Their dirty blond hair whorled about their faces in a sudden gust of wind and I could almost imagine their eyes keen for knowledge.

The afternoon was dull, hot and long as we trailed round the building that's name I'd already forgotten. The tour guide continued to tell us information that went in one ear and out the other and Nick - when mum wasn't looking - was flirting with every other chick in the room.

It was just as I was considering stabbing myself with the ancient Egyptian spear that hung on the wall that I heard it. The humming.

I looked around but it wasn't coming from anyone, it was just... there.

I shook my head, sure that I was imagining things, that I had heat stroke; but as the song grew stronger I knew it couldn't be.

"Do you hear that Nick?" I asked.

"What; the grumpy fat cow over there or the sound of girls screaming my name?" I scowled but ignored his sarcastic comment.

"The humming, Nick. The music." He scowled at me.

"You'd better not be going gay on me, bro. What music? There is no music." I shook my head.

"There is, someone is humming." His scowl deepened as he looked me up and down before handing me his water bottle.

"Get some fluids in you, Kit, I don't want to carry you home." He frowned at me once more before nodding - as if to confirm he'd done his part - and turning back to some girl.

I didn't drink the water, instead I left the group, following the song.

Just as I rounded a pillar a drumming joined the song.

No, not a drumming. More like the sound of feet on earth; of sand against shoes... but it disappeared as quickly as it started leaving me with only the enchanting hum.

I whorled as I heard someone giggle from behind me.


But when I turned again I saw a flash of white in the corner of my eye.

"Who's there?" I called out though my voice was lost in the hum.

The giggle sounded again and I turned to find it. The pillars cased shadows down the room and I realized that there were many places to hide.

I turned once more at the sounds of bells.

That's when I saw her. We looked at each other for three silent seconds... and then she ran.

By the time I could follow, she was gone; along with the humming.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2011 ⏰

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