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It's my first Order meeting since the Summer and I feel anxious about it.
There have been several Order meetings since the last one I attended, Mum and Dad have been keeping me updated. They've usually been short, He Who Must Not Be Named hasn't made any moves against the Order yet, there's been no traction for the war.
This time the Order meeting is being held in an abandoned barn that has had a long table with chairs conjured in the middle of the room. I think it's somewhere in the Lake District, but I can't be entirely sure.
I take a seat in between Mum and Sirius.
My right leg immediately starts to bounce and I wring my hands.
Dumbledore walks into the room and everyone's attention immediately turns their attention to him.
"I want to thank you all for showing up to today's meeting. You'll notice there's a larger attendance today, this is because some of our members from Hogwarts have returned for the holidays, we also have a few new members, so I am very pleased with this turn out" Dumbledore begins with a smile. I look around the room to see if I know anyone that may have joined. I only see faces I remember from the last meeting I was at. I was somewhat hoping Lily would have joined the Order. Maybe she couldn't make the meeting, it is the day before Christmas Eve after all. I suppose she's spending time with family.
"Now, to begin this meeting, I must urge you all to have a quiet Christmas. I am aware that the Potters are famous for their annual Christmas party, however, I must ask that this not take place this year. My reasoning for this is that He Who Must Not Be Named has acquired the allegiance of dark creatures, his forces are growing and it is rumoured he is going to recruit spies over the Christmas period and I believe he will start acting to officially begin the war" Dumbledore prefaces.
This announcement simply increases my anxiety. The war is getting closer and I don't think I can handle it.
I force myself to breathe and focus on the rest of the interview
"So what does this mean for us? How are we going to retaliate?" Asks a rather tall girl with dark hair, dressed in a black long sleeved top, a red and black checked skirt, fishnet tights and doc marten boots that I think is called Alice
"I do not plan on retaliating yet, Alice, we must be patient and wise with our strategy" Dumbledore replies
"How are we supposed to win this war if we're just going to sit and twiddle our thumbs?" Asks a boy who can't be more than 19 with brown hair and a round face dressed in a sweater vest and a white shirt with black trousers.
"We will not win if we rush things, Frank, all good things come with time" Dumbledore responds
"Time is something that we don't have! If He Who Must Not Be Named is making moves now we must strategise against him" Alice argues causing everyone to cheer in agreement with her.
Dumbledore remains calm but I see his face falter slightly
"What is it you suggest we do, Alice?" Asks Dumbledore
"I suggest we train, you are an exceptional duelist I am told and you were one Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher before you were headmaster, surely you are able to teach us something" Alice replies
"Where are we expected to do this? We can't find a secure, regular place to hold meetings, let alone find a secure place that would be able to withstand us throwing spells around" Dumbledore retorts
"Why can't we use the room of requirement?" Asks Frank, his hands protectively placed on Alice's waist
"How do you suppose I smuggle over 20 grown wizards through the school without anyone noticing?" Asks Dumbledore
"When I was at Hogwarts, I remember there being a vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement, if we could just find its sister we could be transported that way and no one would be the wiser" Frank replies
The room falls silent for a few moments as everyone considers this plausible option
"I shall think about it, Frank, thank you" Dumbledore states, his tone strained.
"Regarding other matters" Dumbledore continues swiftly "I have decided to suspend Hogsmede trips upon the start of the new term at Hogwarts to ensure students are at no risk as they will always be on Hogwarts grounds" Dumbledore states
Sirius looks bewildered at the announcement of no more Hogsmede but he says nothing, too scared to speak in meetings still.
"And will the students be learning how to defend themselves?" Asks a woman with curly red hair wearing a long floral dress that reaches her ankles
"I am currently designing a self defense class for each year group, Molly, unless you were thinking of something more severe?" Asks Dumbledore
"Would these lessons take away from their regular time tables?" Asks Molly
"No, I would conduct them during the evenings after dinner, I would assign an evening to a year group" Dumbledore replies.
I like this idea, being well versed in dueling would help ease my anxiety slightly about this war. It would at least give me peace of mind knowing that I have a way of defending myself when the war does inevitably happen.
Molly also seems content with this explanation as she doesn't say anything else, allowing for Dumbledore to move on.
"Another point I must make" Dumbledore continues "As the Order progresses, I will be sending you out in smaller groups or as individuals on missions" Dumbledore announces
This causes chatter to emerge amongst people "What do you mean by missions?" Asks Alice
"I am unable to disclose such information at this current moment, but all will be clear soon enough" Dumbledore replies ominously which seems to satisfy no one and understandably so.
The meeting continues on for another half an hour, most of it didn't seem to apply to me, at least I hope it didn't because I was only half listening. The Order meetings tend to heighten my anxiety.
I can only imagine how anxiety inducing Death Eater meetings are. I suddenly think of Regulus and my stomach churns again. He must be finding Christmas so hard especially now he's a Death Eater.
Maybe there's something I can do about it?
"Mum I need to talk to Dumbledore about something, wait for me outside?" I ask
Mum simply nods and her, Dad and Sirius walk out of the barn to wait for me outside while I walk over to Dumbledore
"Mister Potter, how can I help you?" Asks Dumbledore lightly with a smile
"Professor, I was wondering if you would be able to help, it's not help for me, but I have concerns about someone else" I reply, trying to calm my anxiety
"Who is it you wish for me to help?" Asks Dumbledore
"Regulus Black"
"What exactly are your concerns about Mister Black?"
"He's been forced in becoming a Death Eater"
"I see" Dumbledore goes silent for a few moments "unfortunately, Mister Potter, there is a limited amount I can do about Mister Black's situation" Dumbledore finally confesses
"Can you at least look out for him? Make sure he's okay and isn't being put in harms way? I worry about him" I ask desperately
"I can do my best" Dumbledore replies. I nod, deciding that that's better than nothing
"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore" I say, he smiles and nods at me. I turn and leave, meeting Mum, Dad and Sirius outside of the barn before we apparate back which makes me feel sick. I shake off the nausea and walk into the kitchen, sitting down next to Sirius
"Has Dumbledore made any indication about these self defense classes at Hogwarts?" Asks Dad
Sirius and I shake our heads "There's not even an indication of things going wrong" I state
"Well, if they do happen you must write to us and let us know" Mum states firmly and we nod.
"I know we are supposed to have a quiet Christmas, but do you suppose we could try and get Regulus out of that house and here for the rest of the holidays?" Asks Mum, changing the subject. My heart jumps to my throat and Sirius quirks an eyebrow at me, I haven't told them that Regulus and I have broken up.
"I- erm- I don't think that would be a good idea" I reply
"Why not? I'd love to meet him" Mum asks
"We- we broke up" I confess
"You did? When?" Asks Dad
"September" I reply
"You never mentioned" Mum states
"I know I just didn't know how to say it" I reply
"What happened?" Asks Dad
"My parents made him take the Dark Mark" Sirius offers and Mum gasps
"I didn't have a good initial reaction, I tried to apologize and make it up to him but eventually we realized it was never going to work if we were on opposing sides whether it was through free will or not" I continue, tweaking the story slightly
"Well surely there must be a way to get him out of this situation? He's far too young to become a Death Eater! Surely Dumbledore wouldn't let this stand!" Mum exclaims outraged
"That's what I spoke to Dumbledore about" I confess
Sirius gives me a surprised look "What did he say?" Asks Sirius
"I asked him if he could get Regulus out of the situation he said there wasn't much he could do, so I...so instead I asked him to at least watch out for Regulus to which he said he'd do his best" I reply
Dad sighs and runs a hand down his face "Well if there isn't much Dumbledore can do then there's virtually nothing we can do" Dad states, his tone defeated. My anxiety starts to rise within me once more and both of my legs start to bounce rapidly
"Well didn't Dumbledore say that He Who Must Not Be Named is going to start recruiting spies? If Regulus becomes a spy and tells Dumbledore he could become a double agent" Mum suggests
"That was Reggie's original plan, I thought it was far fetched to begin with, but he's heir to the most pureblood family in the wizarding world, followed closely by the Malfoys, the Black family tree goes back centuries, He Who Must Not Be Named would probably hand select Reggie to be a Death Eater spy to test the loyalty of the family. I was stupid not to see it before but I'll talk to him after the Christmas break and see if my theory is correct, if it is I'll tell him to talk to Dumbledore and we can arrange him becoming a double agent" Sirius explains.
Mum and Dad seem content.
Soon enough Sirius and I bid goodnight to my parents and head upstairs to our rooms to go to bed.
"Hey, James?" Sirius says to me when we get upstairs
"Yes, Pads" I reply
"Why didn't you tell your parents about you and Reg breaking up?" He asks
"Telling them would make it too real" I reply
"James, I know you love him, but you have to move on, if not for your sake then for Lily's, she thinks your one step away from making her your girlfriend, you can't do that if you're still in love with Reg"
I nod and smile sadly "no I know, I'm getting there" I say
Sirius simply nods "and Prongs" says Sirius
"Yes Pads?"
"Don't be messing around with Lily and my brother at the same time or I will castrate you" Sirius warns
I smirk and shake my head at him "happy to know you view me as an absolute stud" I reply, Sirius scowls at me but I wink at him and head into my room.


Hello there my lovelies!

I hit a bit of writers block but after a lot of thought and struggle i finally produced a chapter!! oh also, i've decided that Jegulus' song (at least for this fanfic) is "Waiting Room" by Phoebe Bridgers. anyways, i hope you enjoyed this one, i'll see you in the next one! until them, have a great day!

Stay wonderful my loves!

All my everlasting love,

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