Chapter one

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Ms. Claudine Moore was a French vampire who hasn't left her home since her 1852,which was the year she had a close encounter with a troop of vampire hunters. She read the newspaper to learn what was happening in the world. It was an ordinary night,and she was reading the front page. "Nazis invade France? I'll have to check it out tomorrow." Claudine said. She then stood up and closed the curtain as she saw the light peep through,and decided it was time for her to go to bed.

As she brushed her fangs,she wondered what these 'Nazis' would look like. Maybe they would be wearing blue uniforms with cuffs,or a green jacket with big pants. She would have to venture to Paris tomorrow,and wait for the day,and then look and interact with these Nazis. The vampire had traveled Europe back in the day,so she understood most European languages,and would be covered. She untied her corset and got in her nightgown.

"Herr Ludwig,the furher will be majorly impressed with our success!" Karl Bauer said,looking over Paris on the Eiffel Tower. "For the last time you imbecile,unless you're around the furher and any of the officers or colonels,you may call me Conrad." Conrad Ludwig said,looking at his short colleague. Fredrick Gör rushed up back to the top with the documents. "Sorry I had to leave you all for a second,had to rush to the car to grab these." He said,and Karl noticed a record cover. "Why,Lord of the Third Reich! I thought I lost this!" He snatched the record,which caused most of the papers to fall. It was a collection of Russian records his brother shipped to him when they were taking Stalingrad. "These were the last thing he sent me before he was killed in Stalingrad by those damn commies!" He said,trying not to tear up,but failed terribly. Conrad walked over,and they all sat on the floor of the top of the tower,comforting him before going back down to greet Dietrich Von Cholitz. He had taken Paris,and was Karl's Idol. "Gör!" He called,and Frederick said he had to go. Karl,Frederick,and Conrad all went down to attend to whatever Von Choliltz needed.

Claudine walked around Paris,and saw destruction wherever she went. She got a lot of stares because of the way she dressed. After all,she was dressed like she belonged in the Victorian era with her bustle cage skirt. She saw our three (maybe)likable protagonists,and rushed over. "Heil Hitler madame!" Frederick said,hailing. "Danke sir." She did the same thing,assuming it was a greeting thing for these Nazis. Karl looked at Frederick,and then Frederick looked at Conrad,and then Conrad looked at Karl,they were all looking at each other.

"Are you the Nazis I saw in the paper?" Ms. Moore asked,and the guys nodded.

"Oh my god! You guys are just too cute!" She exclaimed,grabbing Karl's face.

Now dear readers,there are multiple words you may use to describe Nazis. 'Cute' is definitely not one of them.

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