Hellish Beach Episode

36 3 11

When Gon imagined being a witness in a proverbial afterlife court case, he did not expect amenities to be involved.

When Death departed, Gon was left to his own devices in what appeared to be the grandest, emptiest resort Gon had ever witnessed. He was thrust back to his childhood the Friday his Auntie was promoted at work, took him out of school, and the two of them vacationed for two nights and a Sunday brunch at the local waterpark hotel.

And now, Gon was running free across an empty lobby and the spotless, colorful carpets lining the halls. His laughter never carried far—it was like the air was padded with foam to package Gon up for transit somewhere else.

Gon forgot about the feathery edges of his being—the golden glow to his skin and the transparency of his hands. He simply existed, and there was nothing better than existing in the lazy river on a hot pinkie floaty.

Though, the only thing better would be to read a book. He swore he owned one of those. In fact, he swore he just read one of those...

Gon tipped his head back against the cushioned plastic. Above him splayed fake palm trees and hibiscus flowers. For a split second, it dawned on him just how foreign this all was. Paradise in the city...

The city.

"Oh my God, how could I forget New York!" Gon cried aloud, hands flinging up to his face, and then to the floaty. He lost traction and fell belly-first into the water.

Sputtering, Gon clambered over to the water's edge and onto the cyan tiles. On the lazy river's island, Gon made a swift getaway to the log bridge and to the exit.

He left damp, bare footsteps across the carpets in his escape. Dripping wet, Gon tugged at his hair.

It was pointless to berate himself for forgetting. His Auntie would say that he remembered now, and that was all that mattered. He loathed to wonder just how much time he'd wasted wandering the hotel hallways, on pinball machines in the arcade, and swimming in the pools when—when—

He had rent back at home to pay! And work on Friday, not to mention his friends... His friends! His neighbor!

Hopeless, Gon flopped onto a leather couch in the lobby and groaned into the pillows. "Killua..." He fake-sobbed, dramatic, and flung himself around, the back of his wrist to his forehead. He stared up at the antler chandelier in all its magnificent, midwestern glory.

How was he to get back? He had no means of inter-dimensional transport, and the likelihood of Death complying with Gon's age-old request was slim.

Death had Gon in his clutches now and he wouldn't let Gon go—not in a million years (or however long the afterlife lasted).

Just as Gon feared all was lost and hopeless, he saw a shadow.

Sure, there were shadows in this abandoned resort, but none of them moved the way this one did.

Gon jerked up in his seat, clutching the back cushion. From the wing of rooms labeled B came a figure of incredible litheness. Gon imagined he'd just stepped foot off the runway, and his clothes said as much. Tailored navy slacks and a loosely buttoned-up shirt.

And hair Gon couldn't forget now that his brain was back on Earth's time.

"Hey," Gon said. As odd as it was to see another being, Gon was just grateful to have company—especially company from Alluka's polaroid. "I know you."

"Ah, no you fucking don't," the guy said, wagging a finger at him. He approached the couch in all his luxurious glory, propped a foot on the sofa frame, and tossed his ponytail back. "Listen, I can't talk for long."

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