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It's nearly the Christmas holidays, which means it's nearly time for the next Order meeting.
It's currently Saturday and the train leaves tomorrow morning so everyone is just spending the last day in the common room with their friends, or out in Hogsmede for last minute Christmas shopping and butterbeer.
I'm sat in the common room with Lily. The others wanted to go into Hogsmede for a final trip until the new year but I really didn't fancy it, so I decided to spend some time with Lily.
Lily isn't exactly my girlfriend. I'm still not ready for another relationship because I still love Regulus and it wouldn't be fair on Lily if I rushed things before I was ready, I want to make sure I can treat her right and make her truly happy.
We've just been...friends with benefits, if you will, an agreement the both of us are happy with for now.
"I got you a present" I say as I run my fingers through her hair, her head rested on my shoulder. She shifts and lifts herself up so she can look at me "You did? That's so sweet of you!" She exclaims, but then her face falls "James, I didn't get you anything!" She adds
"You didn't have to, Love, I just saw this and thought of you, it's nothing grand, I just thought you might like it" I reply, smiling as I pull a box shaped present wrapped in plain red wrapping paper. She takes it delicately and smiles at me. I watch as she opens it, a look of curiosity on her face. She opens the paper, revealing a small white box. She lifts the lid and gasps, flashing me a smile as she pulls out a silver chain with a small circular silver pendant, on the silver pendant are a group of three lilies, engraved in gold.
"Oh, James" Lily gushes as she inspects the necklace "It's beautiful" she adds, looking at me with a grateful expression. I blush and shrug "It just reminded me of you, and I knew you'd look so pretty with it on, even more than you already do" I reply.
She kisses me quickly and grins at me.
"Here, let me put it on for you" I offer, holding my hand out to take the necklace, which she gives to me. I stand up and walk around to the back of the sofa we're sat on. I unclasp the necklace and Lily moves her hair out of the way. I place my head round the side of hers so I can position the pendant on the centre of her chest and kiss her cheek before moving round to see the clasp of the necklace. As I secure the class I place a kiss on the back of her neck.
I walk back around the sofa and sit next to her once again. I look at her, taking her in with a smile on my face. "You truly are gorgeous" I say and she blushes.
I lean into her and place two fingers under her chin, lifting it up lightly before placing a kiss on her lips.
She kisses me back, and the kiss is slow at first, loving. Soon enough the kiss grows harder, more passionate. My tongue runs along her lips, causing her to part them, gaining me access to her mouth, my tongue wins in the fight for dominance as it always does and I haul Lily onto my lap.
She grinds her hips against mine and it takes everything in me not to moan at the friction given that we're still in the common room.
"How about we take this upstairs" I ask in her ear before kissing down her neck. She nods and we rush up to my dorm room which I know is empty because everyone else is in Hogsmede. I still cast the silencing charms around my bed and close the hangings though, just in case.
I lay Lily down on the bed and straddle her before kissing her once more. I kiss down her neck and reach her collarbone. I kiss a spot in the space between her neck and collarbone that makes her gasp, I leave a hickey there which causes her to let out a small moan.
I kiss her lips once more and shift her so I can remove her top. My hands grope her breasts with a desperate desire to explore her the way I have several times before, she groans at the touch as she unclasps her bra, exposing her breasts to me. I run my thumbs over her nipples as I kiss her, making her moan. I then take one of her nipples in my mouth and swirl my tongue as she grips and pulls my hair.
I kiss down her body and remove her jeans and panties. I kiss along her inner thigh, teasing her "James please" she begs breathlessly. I allow her a small taste of what she wants by licking her clit, she gasps and her body shivers with pleasure. I lick and swirl my tongue agonisingly slow to start just to teaser her. I soon quicken my movements, dipping my tongue into her before continuing to swirl it as I grip her thighs while she moans and curses loudly. When she climaxes I kiss back up her body and kissing her lips once more. She removes my shirt and I take off my jeans before I spread her legs and position myself. I enter her slowly and we both exert a collective gasp at the sensation. I start to move in and out of her, slowly at first so she can adjust, but soon enough the need for pleasure grows too strong and I quicken my pace, thrusting into her as we both expel curse words that have nothing to do with magic and guttral moans.
Lily climaxes just before me and moments later my thrusts go sloppier as I ride out my high. I pull out of her and I rest on top of her, my chin laying on her chest as I look up at her.
"I think that's the best thank you I've ever received for giving someone a present" I comment with a grin which makes Lily laugh.
"I suppose this should be my way of thanking you more often" Lily replies and I kiss her again.
Soon enough we redress and head down to the common room. It's almost time for lunch, but Lily wants to see her friends before she heads down to the Great Hall, so I head down there alone.
On my way out of Gryffindor Tower I see Regulus approaching the Tower.
"James" he says, surprised to see me
"What are you doing here?" I ask. I haven't seen Regulus much since late September. We've had two quidditch matches together and admittedly they both ended in us having quick rough sex, it must just be the tension that builds between us, we just can't seem to keep our hands off each other.
"I, erm, I came to see you" Regulus replies sheepishly
"I have a Christmas present for you"
"Sorry to sound like a broken record, but why?"
"I bought it before we broke up, I saw it and thought of you. I was just going to throw it away but that would have been a waste. I thought about giving it to someone else but ultimately I knew it was always meant for you so I thought I'd give it to you. You don't have to keep it, but if you never try you never know" Regulus shrugs at the last sentence as he tries to justify this.
"I...I don't have anything for you" I say stupidly.
"No, I don't expect you would, I can't imagine I'm top of your buying list really" Regulus replies with a weak smile and I give a humourless laugh.
He hands me a sizeable box wrapped in silver paper. I take it and unwrap it, revealing a red box. I open it and remove the tissue paper before pulling out a snow globe. Inside the snow globe is a quidditch pitch and a pretend quidditch game happening, the small players are moving, they're in a loop of the seeker catching the snitch. I look a bit closer and I realise the teams are dressed in Gryffindor and Slytherin robes
"Okay so when I said I found it I more so mean I had it especially made as a resemblance of the first match we played together. I know it's probably not something you want to remember now but it's yours" Regulus says after a few minutes.
"I-I don't know what to say. Thank you" I say, a lump forming in my throat.
"I hope you do keep it"
"I want to, I do, but this is still really hard for me. I can barely stand here with you now without my chest aching. I want to be over you, I want to stop feeling heartbroken every time I think of you so that I can keep gifts like this and look back on it fondly. But in the end we never really got very long did we?"
Regulus looks at the floor, unable to meet my eye "I'm sorry, James, I really am, if things were different then...well I suppose I don't know what things would be like but I just need you to know I never wanted to hurt you"
"I know, but you did"
"And I'm sorry for that, but I had to do it, you'll realise it some day, I did it for the better"
"Maybe I will think of it like that one day, but right now I don't see it that way"
"I know"
"Would you ever take me back?" My tone is hopeful. I don't even know if I want to get back together with him now I have Lily.
"I know you want me to say yes, and part of me does, but with the way things are going with Arlo I don't think I would" Regulus replies honestly. If this was anyone else I'd respect that honesty but because it's Regulus I really hate it.
"Are you two together then?" I try my best to sound nonchalant.
"Not officially"
"Look, I didn't come here to hurt you or rub anything in your face. I just wanted you to have the gift"
"I will keep it, I'll just have to put it away for the time being"
"I can understand that"
"Thank you, Regulus, Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas, James"
He walks over to me and kisses me. It takes everything in me not to grab him and kiss him longer, to hold him and make him stay. Instead I force myself to stay put and watch as he walks away.
I wait until I'm sure he's far away enough before I decide to continue on down to the Great Hall for lunch.
When I arrive at the Great Hall, I initially sit alone because none of my friends or Lily are here yet. I don't particularly mind. Today's lunch is lasagna which smells absolutely heavenly, and the sweet treats are brownies and jam tarts.
I immediately fill my plate with spoonfuls of lasagna and my stomach rumbles hard so I tuck in quickly to quell the desperate need in my stomach.
Soon enough, Sirius, Remus and Peter arrive back from Hogsmede as I'm halfway through my first helping of lasagna.
"Loom lads it's BillyNoMates" Sirius announces jokingly, causing me to shove him with a grin.
They all take their seats, Peter next to me and Sirius and Remus next to each other on the other side of the table so they're sat opposite us. I sit and listen as they tell me all about their trip to Hogsmede as they scoop lasagna onto their plates and suddenly, my interaction with Regulus is pushed to the back of my brain and I'm feeling exponentially better.


Hello there my lovelies!

I had to do a wee time skip otherwise the story would have gotten repetitive and uneventful but I've added spice and angst for you!! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this one and I'll see you in the next one! Until then, have a great day!

Stay wonderful

All my everlasting love,
Blue <3

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