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Nero opened his eyes and saw a familiar face smiling at him, the person who had prevented him from falling.

"Tim," he gasped. He immediately hugged him, and a sense of familiarity and happiness washed over him. He stepped back, smiling at Tim.

"I can't believe it's you! It's so good to see you," Tair exclaimed, wiping away unshed tears. He looked at the only person who shared the same story as him. They both came from similar, grey backgrounds.

"What are you doing here?" he asked. Despite being happy to see Tim, he was still shocked to see him here. Tim was supposed to be on the other planet with his masters.

"Can you believe this? Why are you here? How did you even get here?" he asked, reaching out to touch him, almost as if to confirm his existence. There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice as if he couldn't quite believe what was happening.

"Are you real?" he whispered.

Tim let out a chuckle as he pinched the cheek of the person standing in front of him. "Yes, I am real," he said with a grin. The other person looked at him, already confused. "Then what are you doing here?" he asked, trying to make sense of the situation. "And how did you get here?" he added, hoping for an explanation.

"I came through the Airship" Tim explained.

"Airship!' Nero shouted; Tim reacted by instinctively covering the boy's mouth to prevent any further outbursts.

"Shh, try not to draw attention," he whispered to the boy, warning him to be discreet. Nero nodded in surprise and alarm, aware of the potential danger of attracting attention to such a mode of transportation. After a moment, Tim slowly removed his hand from the man's lips, his fingers lingering on Nero's mouth, presumably to clean the spit on his lips.

Whispering, Nero asked, "How did you manage to acquire an airship? Only the wealthy and influential are privileged enough to own or rent one"

He replied, "My master received information that the underground storage at his old house is still intact, despite the building having collapsed. I have come to retrieve something from that storage"

"Did you come with your master?" Nero asks.

He shakes his head when he notices a frown on Nero's face, he explains further "No, I came alone,".

Nero is surprised. "He trusts you to ride his Airship? He hardly let you touch his things back then," Nero remarks, noticing the darkening look on Tim's face as if he remembers those days.

"Things have taken a positive turn and I'm glad to say that I have earned his complete trust and support," he announced with pride.

Nero suddenly gets an idea and looks at Tim with excitement. He wonders if Tim would allow him and Nick to ride with him on his master Airship, even if they have to be placed with the goods being transported from the storage. Before Nero could ask, Tim spoke and stopped him.

"I want you to come with me," As soon as he uttered the words. Nero's heart leapt with joy. Without any hesitation, he ran to him and embraced him tightly, his face beaming with happiness.

"Thank you so much, that's exactly what I was about to ask," he said to the person he was speaking with. "I won't take much of your time. I just need to grab a few things, and we'll be out of here in no time." Nero quickly ran to his sleeping spot and hastily packed his clothes into a black trash bag. He couldn't help but think about his urgent need to locate Nick. His mind was racing, trying to figure out the best approach to finding Nick as quickly as possible.

He was already thinking of bursting into the forest that served as a den for the Red Teeth and demanding they give him his boyfriend back. Just as he was about to make his way out of the house. Tim said, "Just you Nero, am not taking anybody with me,". Nero froze when I heard those words

"He's the only one coming with us. It's just Nick, his mother, and me," Nero explained, hoping to clarify any misunderstanding. He didn't want Tim to think that the three of them were bringing along the entire population of Centro City. The man gazed at Tim with a pleading expression, hoping to convey his sincerity, but Tim avoided eye contact.

Nero approached the man urgently. "I know you and Nick have your differences, but-"

"There's no time," Tim interrupted, checking his watch. "We have to leave now."

"What do you mean, 'no time'?"

"The other Earth received information that this Earth will soon be destroyed. No one will survive, you have to come with me." He reached out for Nero's hand.

Nero stepped back and positioned himself in front of the door, stretching out his arms to prevent any escape. His eyes burned with an intense determination as he pleaded with Tim, his voice infused with both urgency and desperation. "Please don't leave without taking Nick with you. I won't allow you to go until you promise to take him with you. He needs to come with me, and I can't bear the thought of him facing this world alone."

Tim exhaled and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Nero. But I can't take Nick with me."

"I know you and Nick have your differences." he tried to plead again.

"That's not the issue," Tim defended himself.

"Then what is it?" Nero shouted in frustration. "How can you be so cruel?"

"What about you? Before I left this planet, you told me you don't love him. But now that I've come back, I find that you're his boyfriend."

As Nero opened his mouth to speak, a sudden tremor shook the ground beneath his feet. He stumbled, losing his balance, but before he could hit the ground, he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist, holding him steady. The earth continued to quake as if it was about to split apart. Nero's heart pounded in his chest as he gazed at Tim, his eyes wide with fear.

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