Chapter One

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I don't remember much of anything from when I was little which is weird. Because I'm an elf I should have a good memory. Maybe it's because I have some human in me. Sadly I never knew my parents but I do know one thing, they hated me. I fell asleep one night when I was about 100 years old. When I woke up they were gone, not even a letter that I remember. They left me some of the spare food and twenty dollars that left me with nothing but stealing to live. I used to have two piercings until I got caught and since I only stole a loaf of bread they ripped out one of my earrings and shoved it through my tongue just for the pain after that they grabbed me by my ponytail and told me to not steal or they would rip my head off instead. Since then I've killed the police officers and stolen everything to their name. No one knew it was me and I got my revenge over 200 years ago. I'm still pretty young elf years wise but since I'm a halfling my lifespan is half as long as normal pure blood elf's. I've always been suspicious of that. Elves are without failure royalty and since I'm not royalty I have no idea how I exist. I want to know how I'm alive. As I'm thinking I bump into someone with a dark cloak covering everything but their hair "It's purple"

I say looking at her golden hair with an ugly spot of purple at the ends "who are you?"

I say grabbing her hair. My grip is a little tighter than I'd like. She screams in pain and then grabs her mouth as if she's hiding from someone. I hear footsteps and my ears twitch i get a bad feeling and tug her into an alleyway "hide behind the dumpster" I whisper she does so and fast, A man in his late 40s comes running over and grabs me by my shirt clearly had too much to drink and he smelled the part. I kept a light smile on my face and didn't flinch. He seemed shocked and loosened up a little "big mistake" I whispered. I pulled myself off him, ripping my turtle neck and showing my fabric armor underneath. He wasn't able to stay on his feet for very long. I dropped and kicked his feet out from under him and while he was very drunk. It felt like I broke my ankle trying to kick him to the ground. I wince in pain and he quickly jumps up on his feet and grabs my neck. I grab his wrist and try to twist it. I feel myself slipping from consciousness. Before i pass out i grab his jaw from inside his mouth holding on by the teeth and pull he grabs my hand with his free hand

I hear a crunch, I scream in pain knowing i don't have enough air in my lungs for it i can feel myself slipping faster and faster out of consciousness "you crazy-" I black out. When i wake up i try and run to the dumpster "oh no" she's gone, its not log before i feel the pain in my arm again

"I need to go to a- right i can't go to a hospital ill get arrested" i dread looking at my arm knowing that the fabric armor should've kept it mostly straight. I began to hyperventilate, my arm is almost falling off, the bone is sticking out and I'm bleeding everywhere "I can't patch this up. What am I going to do?" my balance is fading faster than I'd like "i can try and fix that up for you" i hear a sweet voice coming from behind me i turn and all i can see is golden hair too much to be hidden by the hood of her cloak "how in the world can you fix this. My arm is practically gone" i say leaning on the wall of an old building that i had gutted a few weeks prior "as long as it's attached to your body i can fix it" i sit down trying to prevent myself from passing out "hold still" she says as her hands glow a disgustingly bright pink and i feel my muscles and veins grab onto each other "it's better to close your eyes and not look" she says while having here eyes closed focused on the spell. I turn and close my eyes as I feel my fingers twitch and blood rush to my hand "are you done yet?" i say as feeling runs back into my arm and hand "shh" she hisses at me

At this point i'm dredging walking into a store to try and find another shirt and more fabric armor i just know that I'll be caught "this feels expensive" she says feeling my arm making sure everything is healed

'T-Thank you miss, i've gotta go and get another one of these shirts "turtle necks don't look good on you by the way" she says removing her hood to reveal her chocolate skin and golden hair while keeping her face covered she looks right at my eyes the ruby red gems on her necklace look like they're covered in mud compared to her eyes, her eyes must have a spell on them

I catch myself staring and walk off changing in my elf ears for slightly pointy human ears

I changed my hair from long light purple and in a ponytail to a buzz cut blond hair with a few clumps of short hair in a tiny braid. I look back at the girl and she's gone. I start walking to a high end armor store. I get a few stares and rude comments but I grab my stuff while doing my best to hide my face, the one thing I forgot to change and it stands out the most. I head to the check out and the cashier looks scared and runs "the one time i try to pay" i sigh

I grab a bag and my stuff and start walking to the exit "excuse me you have to pay" I look up to see who's talking to me. It's the same guy from the alleyway "excuse me sir, do you happen to know who I am?"

I say with a smug smirk "I do, and I'm giving you a chance to pay up. Or would you rather die?"

I feel myself turn pale. I can't run because my leg hasn't healed yet "sorry sir here you go" I reach into my pocket and pull out a handful of fake gold that feels the same, looks the same, just smells a little like silver. He takes it and grabs me by my phantom ponytail to pull me up to his height. "I might look old but I'm not a fool, I know that's fake gold" I grab a knife out of my pocket, I kick at a low blow, cut off my hair and run. I forgot that i was shopping at a tower store (a store with more than one store in the building the higher up you go the more expensive it gets)

If I jump from here then I'll be lucky to even have my legs. Before i can jump and get hurt i see someone with a spell book, at this point my disguise is gone i run up to the person with a spell book and snatch it from the young mage "sorry" i whisper and i flip through the book trying to find a spell for flying "shapeshifting? Guess it will have to do'' I turn into a bird but i only say half the spell so that i only get the wings, i fall to the ground and it feels like my back needs to be cut open, i take off my shirt in an attempt to spare what clothes i haven't ruined wings burst out of my back and hips and blood flows staining my pants i look at the wings and start to run to the window. I jump and the glass shatters. I dive trying to pick up speed. Right before I can hit the ground I shoot my wings out to glide. I shoot past the surrounding city neighborhood and past the lake around it. I scan the ground to find the rundown shack I live in. I find it and carefully land as to not damage what's already falling apart as I'm waiting for the spell to wear off i start a fire outside to cook the first thing I've eaten in a few days, it's hard to find a store that i haven't robbed or already know my face and how i act id get caught right away and then I'd be killed in the most torturous way imaginable, I've got a longer crime list then the list of things I've stolen most of those are punishable by death.

As I'm waiting for my water to boil i go into my shack the spell wears off about halfway i still have tiny wings but i can walk into my shack without breaking anything, I use a match i stole from a smoker to light up a small oil light i have hanging in my main and only room "AH! WHO ARE YOU?" a girl with chocolate skin and golden hair with spots of purple turns around with the same ruby eyes that enchanted me when i saw her in the alleyway "what are you doing here?" i ask slowly drawing my blade from behind my back ready to attack who every is in my home.

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