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I wasn't intending to break up with James today, but that's what I just did.
I'm just so tired of living the same loop. Of course, I love him, but we just kept arguing. He doesn't make me feel the way he used to, and I don't want either of us to keep living like this, it's better for us this way, at least that's what I'm telling myself.
I walk to the library, feeling empty. I'm not sure whether or not I should cry, whether or not I want to cry.
"Are you alright, Reg?" Arlo asks, his tone tainted with concern
"I- yeah" I lie
"You don't look okay"
"I just broke up with James"
"Oh. Do- do you want to talk about it?" Asks Arlo, looking as though he wasn't sure what to say exactly.
"No, I- I think I'll go back to the common room" I reply
"I'll come with you"
"You don't have to"
"You should have a friend nearby incase you do want to talk"
I don't argue. I just start walking out of the library, down to the dungeons, Arlo following me.
I go up to my dorm to check it's clear, it is. I invite Arlo in, deciding it would be rude of me to make him wait outside twiddling his thumbs incase I needed him.
We sat on my bed, I leaned against the headboard, bringing my knees up to my chest, Arlo sits cross legged directly across from me.
"Are you...are you upset?" Asks Arlo
"I do- I don't know. I suppose I should be. I mean, I am a bit, just not as upset as I expected, I suppose I saw it coming. I don't think James did"
"It wasn't because he was jealous of me was it?"
"Well not really, it was a number of things, his jealousy was just the last straw"
"He didn't have any reason to be jealous of me though, did he?" Asks Arlo
"Well that depends on how you see it" I reply, brining my knees down and crossing my legs, Arlo shifts closer.
"How do you see it?" He asks lowly, I shrug, he moves even closer, mere inches away from me, my heart catches in my throat
"You can tell me, you don't have to be shy" Arlo states, holding my chin, making me look at him. I bite my lips
"I suppose he had some reason to be jealous" I admit
"Really?" Asks Arlo, his face so close to mine I can feel his breath on my face. I can barely breathe
"Why? Do you think he should have been jealous of you?" I ask
"Well, maybe he should have" Arlo replies, still holding my chin
"How so?" I ask
Arlo closes the space between us and kisses me. Kissing him feels good, it shouldn't, but it does, I feel guilt creeping up on me but I shove it down, I'm at perfect liberty to kiss whoever I like, besides, this is keeping my mind off the break up.
Arlo moves us swiftly so I'm now under him and he's leaning over me. I can feel myself growing harder, needing him.
He presses his weight on me as he kisses me and I take this opportunity to grind my hips against his, at this Arlo lets out a low groan and I can feel how hard he is through his jeans, he needs me just as much as I need him.
"Do you want me, baby?" Arlo asks in my ear before nibbling on my earlobe and pressing his hips into mine, I groan in response and Arlo lifts himself off me, depriving me of any friction. I whine and buck my hips up, searching desperately for the friction I had but moments ago. "I need you to use your words if you want more, sweetheart"
Holy shit.
"Please, I want you, I need you" I beg and Arlo grins, lowering himself once more and grinding against me, eliciting a moan from me as he kisses down my neck, sucking on a spot on my collarbone, most likely leaving a hickey "Such a pretty sound from such a pretty boy" Arlo gushes as he runs his hand down my body, resting it on my crotch. His hand rubs up and down my crotch causing me to moan and lift my hips into his touch, he grips me and i moan loudly. He takes his hand away and I whimper. He kisses me quickly before feathering kisses down my body, licking along my waistline causing me to lift my hips in hope of finding some sort of friction. I can feel myself straining against my trousers, needing desperately to be freed so I can gain the release I so desperately crave.
He slowly unbuttons my jeans, sliding both my jeans and my boxers down my hips, taking them off completely.
"So hard for me, like such a good boy" Arlo purs as he licks from my base to my tip eliciting a groan from me "Fuck. Please" I beg as he takes all of me into his mouth and gives me, quite possibly, the best head I have ever received in my entire life, causing me to sputter a string of curses and moans. I get close to my climax and Arlo stops "No, please" I beg and he smirks, kissing me "Patience, sweetheart" Arlo coos
"Can I return the favour?" I ask desperately, kissing down his neck
"Not today, how about you lay back down for me so I can help you finish" Arlo replies, pushing me back down onto the bed. Arlo strips the rest of his clothes and leans over me again kissing me passionately as he lifts my hips up, positioning himself to enter me. When he does I almost climax there and then. I have never felt pleasure in this way before.
We both elicit strings of curses and moans as Arlo thrusts in and out of me, quickening his pace. "Are you close?" Arlo asks desperately, I nod "I am" I reply breathlessly
"Good. Fuck. I can't last much longer" Arlo admits amongst moans.
I climax moments before Arlo, when he finishes he lays on top of me, feathering kisses along my chest.
Rebound sex is quite possibly the best thing ever
"I-I'm sorry, tha- I don't know what came over me, that wasn't the right thing to do...given the circumstances" Arlo states shyly, but he makes no attempt to get up and redress.
"It's okay, I had no issue with it, we were both willing, you didn't do anything wrong"
"I suppose. Just not great form, you just broke up with your boyfriend. I'm your rebound"
"Did you want to be something else?"
"I don't know. I don't want this to be a one time thing"
"I'm certainly not ready for a relationship, I just got out of one"
"No, of course"
Silence rests over us for a few moments as I think about what to do with the situation we're in. I think that was the best sex of my life I don't think I can let it be a one time thing
"How about casual sex?" I ask
"I beg your pardon?" Asks Arlo
"You know, a no strings attached sort of thing. Friends with benefits, if you will"
"So, just sex when we want to have sex?"
"I'm okay with that"
"Alright then"
Another bout of silence rests over us. Arlo shifts so that his face is over mine before he kisses me. "I must say, I have been wanting this since summer" Arlo admits
"Really?" I ask
Arlo shrugs "you're quite attractive, you know"
I blush and look away from him, but he holds my chin, turning my face to look at him.
"Well, I'd better get dressed, I have Care of Magical Creatures soon" Arlo states with a grin, he plants a quick kiss on me before standing up and redressing. He gives me a once over and smirks as he walks away, leaving the room.
As soon as he leaves I'm left to my own thoughts and I'm immediately consumed by guilt. I should be grieving my break up, but instead I immediately slept with the guy James was worried about, how will that look to him? I would hate for James to think that I was cheating on him with Arlo. Maybe I need to talk to James properly. But what good would that do?
I dress myself absentmindedly as I wonder what to do. Should I feel guilty? I suppose I shouldn't, I'm not committed to James anymore. But we've barely even been broken up an hour.
I decide to just go on a walk to clear my head, but the moment I step outside the common room I'm met with an angry Sirius
"What. The. Fuck. Did you do to James?" Asks Sirius
"We broke up" I reply
"You broke up with him you mean"
"Sirius it was bound to happen"
"I don't see why you couldn't work it out"
"Please, Sirius, it's none of your business"
"It concerns my brother and my best friend"
"That doesn't mean anything"
I go to walk away but Sirius stops me, staring pointedly at my collarbone and dread washes over me as I realise what he's staring at.
"Is that a hickey?" Asks Sirius
"It's old" I lie
"Bullshit is it, your shirt's all buttoned up wrong too. Have you just had sex? It certainly wasn't with James so who was it? Was it that bloke James mentioned? Arnold or whatever it is"
"Arlo" I correct him
"So it was him"
"What if it was? I can sleep with who I like"
"Fucking hell, Reg, it's like James never mattered to you at all"
I scoff at him "I gave everything to that relationship"
"Don't victimise yourself James put his all into it as well"
"He would argue with me all the time!"
"You were no fucking better"
"How would you know?"
"James tell me everything"
"Of course" I roll my eyes
"James is beside himself, you know, but I should go back and tell him not to bother, tell him all he needs is a good shag, seemed to work for you"
"Oh for fucks sake, Sirius, will you just fuck off? You never take my side, never"
"Are you shitting me? Do you know how many falls I've taken for you? How many arguments I've had defending you?"
"And yet you treat James more like a brother than you do me"
Sirius could hardly believe what I was saying "You're full of utter shit do you know that? Who was there when you were sick? Me. Who was there to make sure you were looked after? Me. Who was there to make sure you were up in time for lessons with your governess? Me. Who took the cruciatus curse for you when you got in trouble? Me. Who comforted you after every nightmare? Me. Who read you stories every night? Me. Who performed healing charms on your tremors after punishments? Me. Who fought people in defence of you? Me. Don't you fucking dare try and tell me that I have barely been a brother to you. I dedicated my life trying to be a good brother"
I go to apologise to him realising I was being far too harsh on him. "No actually forget it, do what you like I obviously don't care given I'm such a bad brother. I'll just fuck off shall I?"
Before I could protest, Sirius storms off practically thrumming with anger.
Another bout of guilt consumes me and I finally feel the need to cry, so I turn back and reenter the dungeons, taking myself back up to my dorm room, casting silencing spells around my bed, closing the hangings and laying down on my bed, allowing myself to cry and to cry hard about everything that happened today.


Hello there my lovelies!

Reggie is in his hoe era and I'm here for it tbh. Two updates in two days?? I'm spoiling you all frfr, you lucky ducks you. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll see you in the next one, until then, have a great day!

Stay wonderful, my loves!

All my everlasting love,

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