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"WHAT MOM!" Alyssa mumbles.

"Have you packed everything?" Mom yells from beyond the stairs.

"Mhm yup" Alyssa, already annoyed, runs down the steps with all of her bags.

Alyssa's mother grabs the bags and searches them. Alyssa is more than annoyed now, she is beyond pissed.


Mom looks up, brows furrowed. 

"You know Lys, you would HAVE privacy if you didn't lie to me for two years. Are you kidding me? Acid and cocaine? How else did you expect me to react? Rehab would've just diminished you, and since you just love getting high apparently, you'll be higher than you'll ever get. IN OUTER-FUCKING-SPACE"

Alyssa calms down and gets on her mom's level, meeting her eye to eye.

"I know Mom... I- I'm sorry... At least it's a fun way of getting clean, right?" Alyssa awkwardly laughs out that last part.

Mom remains quiet and gives Alyssa the tightest hug known to mankind. A tear ran down both of their faces.

"So when will I be back?" Alyssa says, wiping the tear from her cheek.

"Well... in three months. Hopefully." Mom says, still looking at the floor.

"Uhhh what do you mean 'hopefully'" says Alyssa, inquisitive.

"Listen Lys, up there, you will have access to exactly what you were addicted to in your cabins. The point of this program is to see your devotion to coming back home. All you have to do is stay clean for three whole months. I know it's a lot of pressure, but  I believe in you Lys." Mom says, holding Alyssa's confused face.

"Wait- then what happens if I don't stay clean, do the three months reset? Will I be up there forever?!" Alyssa says, panicked.

"Just try your best sweetie. You know you can't stay up there forever. You know what the government does with people like you. You're lucky I even got you in this program, you were so close to being taken. So just stay strong. For me at least. Please." Mom says with mixed emotions.

Before Alyssa could say anything else, a black car with tinted windows pulled up to their house. Two men in black suits step out and walk towards the screen door. They were swift to open the door, ripping Alyssa from off the floor. They carry her out to the car and Alyssa looks back at her weeping mother.

Alyssa looks up at the sky, dreading the next few months.

She even questions her motivation and will. 

"For mom," Alyssa says to herself under her breath. "I can do this"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 19 ⏰

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