chapter 3

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*from were we left*

*Time skip 12 months*

GB:Look like we're done here *smirking*

Deku:-smirking while looking at himself- yeah

GB:look like it's time for me to leave also you will still be in your normal form until you decide to transform to look like me, but it will be permanent"
*Body starting to vanish*

Deku: thanks for telling me and thank you for the training

GB: tch don't thank me, see you in the after life or hell

Deku:of course and see you there

GB:heh *smirks and vanish*

Deku: -wakes up- ugh  -stands up and looks around- hmm so this is the hospital   - sees a mirror and stands Infront it -  so he wasn't kidding when he said I will be in my normal form until I decide to transform

Deku: -wakes up- ugh  -stands up and looks around- hmm so this is the hospital   - sees a mirror and stands Infront it -  so he wasn't kidding when he said I will be in my normal form until I decide to transform

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-hears a knock-  come in

Doctor:  -comes in- hmm look like your awake and well

Deku: tch 'mortals' yeah I feel ok

Doctor:well I need to do some test to see if your really ok, can I?

Deku:tch fine get it over with

*After the test*

Doctor:well look like your really ok like you said and also you have a visitor do you want her to come in?

Deku:hm who is it

Doctor:someone named inko midorya

Deku: let her in

Doctor:alright -goes out-

-suddenly the women known as inko midorya or his mom barges in-

Inko:my baby!!!!-hug him nearly crushing him-

Deku: wha- UGH mom!

Inko:oh I'm so sorry my baby are you ok!!!! -stops hugging him-

Deku: yes I'm alright, can we go home I need to tell you something

Inko: oh sure! - looks at the doctor who just came in - can my son leave now doctor

Doc: yes he's ok to leave now

Deku: well let's go then but where are my clothes?

Doc: it's in the closet

Deku:well can you two leave so I can change

Doc and inko:sure  -leaves-

Deku: well time to get changed

*After he changes *

Deku:-comes out and look at his mom who was waiting for him- well let's go mom

Inko:sure sweetie

Deku:wha-hey!! -blushes out of embarrassment -

Inko:-giggles- let's go

*After they arrive home*

Inko and deku: -enters the house-

Deku: so mom how much time do I have till au exams

Inko: it's just a week but are you sure you want to go, you haven't trained much and I'm worried about you

Deku:I will be ok also that's the thing I'm going to tell you about

Inko:alright tell me what you want sweetie

Deku:-explains everything-

Inko:w-well w-wow b-but I'm very happy for you!!

Deku:thanks mom also there is another thing

Inko: hm?

Deku: I can transform to look like him since I'm his reincarnation,but it will be permanent, ok?

Inko:i-its ok baby

Deku: alright close your eyes

Inko:, o-ok -closes her eyes -

deku:you can open them now...

Inko:w-wow you look entirely different

Deku:yeah... -smirks-

*With the gi*

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*With the gi*

Deku:I'm gonna go train at the backyard ok?

Inko:ok good luck! I'm sure you will be the top sweetheart


Deku power level before the week:190,000

Deku power level after the week: 200,000

Inko power level: 1,800

To be continued....

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