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Dreams pov:

"dad I can't do this no more! I can't be who you want me to be.. but that doesn't mean I'm going to try harder for you! I know who I am. I know what I want!" I yelled at my father who had pulled me inside my cabin, he was having ago at me for being on a boat again

"Dream I'm not asking you to be the next chief I am telling you that you will be!"

"Right so I just can't say no? My whole fucking life I have been your little show pony, till you can map out my life however you want!" I asked in volume that was quieter but slight more hurt

"Yes because this is what your destiny is! This is what your supposed to do in life!" He got closer to me and I looked down on him, I'm only an inch shorter but I made sure he knew I wasn't going to take this shit

"No dad this is what your making me do, if this is what my destiny is then I will find it myself I don't need you forcing me into it" I pushed him slightly back and left the hut, leaving straight back to my boat in tears..

"Why can't I just be normal" I let out to myself quiet as I sat on my boat, staring off into the horizon where the sun was setting

Everything in my head was just telling me to leave, wanting to just never come back

"Dont think about it.." I heard a voice behind me, quickly wiping my tears as I turned my head to see a small man with dark curlyish hair

"Think about what?" I uttered, leaving my head basically into between the crook of my arm so he couldn't see the tears

"Leaving, it's not right for you" sapnap came and sat next to me cross legged

"Fuck sake I'm sick of everyone telling me what's right for me! Why can't I decide?" I spat out at him, showing anger to the wrong person making him jump back, my eyes softened as I moved back "I'm sorry" I placed my head in my hands

"It's ok.." sapnap laid his head on my shoulder "Why would you even want to go?"

"Dont you just get bored of your life being on the same island, there's a whole world out there and half of it hasn't ever even been seen" I spoke

"Well not really.. life is perfect the way it is. Why would I want to change that?" He questioned and I let out a sigh

"Dont worry.. go home" I mustered out as I stood up, knowing that I'm stupid for the way I think.. dad's already told me

"Ok just.. try not to think about it too much" he hugged me tight "goodnight"

"Goodnight" I connected out foreheads, connecting foreheads is a show of love and respect, everyone in the world does it, well the only people in this world is our island but you understand

He disconnected our foreheads and stood up, walking off back into the thousands of trees

That's when I heard that light splashing of the waves against the sand and boat, the breezing through my hair

I let took a deep breath and closed my eyes, this is my peace.. this is my home. My eye lids slowly opened back up and I noticed a baby turtle and it's parent, the baby was flipped over and the poor mother couldn't get it back up. I went over gently and carefully picked the baby up making sure the mother knew I was safe

As soon as I packed up the mother and baby managed to get in the water without issue.. but then something insane happened

The baby was glowing it was like bioluminesent blue algae

"What the fuck" I jumped back and watched as the baby swam between its mother, I was now on my feet grabbing my paddle in fear

Then the ocean started to move in ways I had never seen before, no wind was making it this wild

"Dream! Dream!-" my mother's yells stopped all this happening, the slight breeze, insane waves, the random creatures turning random fucking colours

"Dream my boy!" My mother ran onto the boat with me and held me tight "I'm so sorry about your father you know what he's like" she held my face and I pulled back

"Mom it's fine just- I need to think" I let out and sat back down, trying not to make her aware about the recent occurrence

"About what sweetie" she sat down with me, her dress made of leaves rubbing against my leg

"Dad said that it was my destiny to be.. here but surely if it was then I would've found it by now- I would know.." I sighed

"Maybe, maybe not. Life takes time your only young dream.. but if your unsure then.. have you ever gone and tried to find it" she smiled and placed a hand on my leg

"But.. if I go look for it, is it really my destiny..?" I replied and she shrugged, giving me a smile

"Everyone will find their destiny in a different way, some peoples destiny get lost on the way to them and they need to just bring it in the right direction" she laid a head on my shoulder.. "but from my life experiences, I also know that sometime you don't find what your looking for, doesn't mean that you won't find what your looking for eventually.. everything happens for a reason" she held my face and connected our foreheads

"What if my destiny isn't on the island?" I whispered and she held my face, I leaned into her soft hands, letting the embrace in

"Well that doesn't change anything, your destiny is where ever you feel is right" she grinned

"what about da-"

"I don't see why your dad has to know, I'll just tell him your building huts for the families that had their homes flooded" she shrugged and disconnected our foreheads

My heart melted as I wrapped my arms around her

"But be safe, I want you back in a week if you do not find what your looking for in time" she placed a finger on my chest.

"You just told me that it takes time to find my destiny" I raised en eyebrow and she rolled her eyes

"It does but it also doesn't take a year to make a hut so if you are not back then I'm telling your dad you ran away without me knowing" she smiled

"Ok whatever" I stood up

"Where are you going?" She asked placing a hand on my calf.. I chuckled at her confused face

"Well need to go pack.. don't I?"

destiny // dnf moana auWhere stories live. Discover now