Do affirmations really work?

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Uhm this is definitely an interesting one! I am about to reveal the greatest hack to this lingering question (or should I say a mystical one) "Do affirmations really work?"

Firstly let us discover the actual meaning behind affirmation. Affirmation derive from the word "affirm" which means you're agreeing to yourself through the words you speak.

Affirmation is basically you speaking positive statements/words to yourself. You are affirming yourself.

Now the million dollar question:

Do affirmation really work?

Yes it does (not surprised) but it only works if you know this (the million dollar hack):

A strong belief when you are affirming those words/statements.Like no matter what even if it sounds impossible, you have to still believe it can happen for you.We know nothing works if you don't put in the work.

Affirmation + Belief + Action = Manifestation

You need to take action that strongly aligns with your affirmation.Real life scenario

"I am healthy. My body is in a good condition. Every cell and organ of mine is working the way it should in the most perfect way."

For instance if I am affirming this to myself everyday, I know that it would be a "pipe dream" if I am doing nothing about it. It's like waiting for things to fall into my lap without moving!

But if I know the hack to manifestation which is this:

Affirmation + Belief + Action = Manifestation

Then I am going to take daily action that aligns with my vision to be healthy.

I am going to workout.I am going to run, walk, yoga or anything that fits well with my schedule.I am going to eat a healthy balanced diet.I am drinking my juices.I am consuming natural based supplements, vitamins and et cetera.I am placing myself in a healthy environment.

I am going to make sure I stick to my word and put in the "required" work every single day to ensure I manifest my affirmation into my reality.

How affirmation work?

Before I leave let me share with you a fun fact. Affirmation is kind of mystical because you are actually rewiring your brain to a direction YOU want. You are tricking your current reality into your desired reality.

This way you are creating some sort of psychological magic that really do happen in reality because a wise man once said:

"Magic only happens when you believe in it."

Vice versa:

"Affirmation only works if you believe in it."

Everything and anything in life can only happen for you if you have a strong belief in it and you take actions that align with your words. That's it! So now we do have the answer to the million dollar question and also a bonus hack to manifesting your dream life!

Yours, Asrajjit Kaur

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