Part 1 (fluff)

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You have been with Peeta (your boyfriend) for a while now.
It was a long day... and the only thing that could make you feel better was him.

When you finally came home, the first thing that you did, was look for him.
To your surprise, he was in your bed (you guys haven't moved in together yet, but you were always living in each other's houses anyways) reading "Pride and Prejudice".
Your favorite book of all times.

"Hi Peeta, what are you doing?" You ask.

"Hi baby, I'm reading."

"I can see that, but you are reading Pride and Prejudice..."

"I know. You told me it was your favorite book ever, so I wanted to surprise you by reading it and debating about it at dinner eating a nice bowl of potatoes."

You laugh, and he stares at you confusingly. "Did you do that on purpose?" You ask.


"About the potatoes."

"What about it?"

"Nevermind baby."

You can't do anything but keep laughing. How did you get him? He was everything that you wanted in a boyfriend and more.
God damn he was cute...

"You look a little tired, is everything okay?" He asked.

You take off your shoes and sit beside him.

"I'm okay, I just missed you... Thank you for listening to me and for making the time to read my favorite book."

"I missed you too but you don't have to thank me for listening to you... that's like, thanking me for loving you, or cooking for you, or-"

You chuckle. He doesn't see how perfect he is. "And I do thank you for that, because I am so gratefull for having you in my life.  

I never thought that a boy like you actually existed. It was a long day, and coming home just to find you sitting in my bed reading my favourite book is something I thought only lived in my imagination."

He stares at you.

"That's funny, because most of my life, I never even had the time to picture someone in my mind. You just appeared, and saved me from things I didn't know I needed saving.  And from things I did knew I needed saving but no one ever did... or even tried...

I have this feeling, that with you, I dont need to rush... time stops and I don't stress or think about the world because... well... you are my world."

You stare at each other lovingly, admiring one another for a few seconds.

"I love you so much." You say

"I love you more." He replies

He leans in and gives you the softest kiss you ever had.

You grab your book, put the bookmark where he was reading, and save the book on your bookshelf, where it can be safe and sound for what you are planning to do.

Peeta laughs at you, you were so similar...

"What are you laughing at?" You ask

"I was about to do the same thing."

You come back to your bed, but this time you get on top of him. Not only that, but you start grabbing his hair and staring at him in awe. He puts his arms around your waist and stares the same way. 

You give him back that soft kiss that he placed on your lips earlier, pulling him by his hair.

He pulls you closer, and starts kissing you a little more passionately. You enjoy every breath, every grab at you waist, every whimper that he gives you. Your bodies are so close it feels like you are melting together. Your mouth moves giving a trail of kisses from his lips, to his jawline, to his ears, to his neck.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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Peeta Melark (Josh Hutcherson) Fluff Where stories live. Discover now