Chapter 2. Coma

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Auntie Inko came running into the hospital quickly, "Where's my baby!?" I heard her yell.

I looked down at my lap, it felt like my eyes were burring into my legs, I frown and pushed myself up from my spot.

"He's over there" I heard my mother's voice from a distance, the two women ran over to me.

"Honey! What happened? Where's Izuku!?" Auntie cried out as she put her hands on my shoulders and tried to look me in the eyes, but my head was down. There was no way I can look her in the eyes for what I have done.

"Katsuki...tell us what happened now." My mother demanded, I bit my lip as I tried to look Auntie in the eyes, my eyes water and I could feel my face turn red.

"He...jumped off the roof at school..." I said quietly.

I felt her grip on me tighten, "What?.. why would he do that!?" She yelled, putting her forehead against my chest.

"Because of me.." I mumbled, my arms hanging down from my side.

"Because of you? Weren't you protecting him from everyone? He adore you!" She said, giving a weak smile.

"No...Auntie...I told him to jump." I told her quietly as I finally looked into her eyes, tears starting to form.

Aunties smile fell, her eyes widen, she didn't say a word until she said "That's not a funny joke..." She said in a whispered.

I didn't say a word, my head titled to the side and I bit my lip harder.

She shook her head side to side, she put her hands to her mouth and tears fell from her eyes.

She looked up at me, anger and sadness filled her eyes rapidly. "The bruises...his destroyed items...finding barley touched food and a trashed room," She slowly raised her head up at me.

"It was all because you BUILLED HIM TO DEATH!?" She screamed at me, she grabbed ahold of my shirt and slapped me in the face as hard as she could.

"You grew up with him! He adore you! He talked about you all the time, he protected you and let you hurt him!?" She cried as she shook me. I didn't say anything.

She pushed me onto my seat and ran over to my mom, she wrapped her arms around her and cried as my mother comfort her.

She looked me in my eyes with a harsh glare.

"I'm sorry..." I said quietly.

Auntie peered over her shoulder, "Sorry isn't going to bring my son back" She said through sobs.

"Katsuki...go home. Now" my mother demanded.

"But-" I tried to say, she stood Auntie aside and marched up to me. She grabbed ahold of my ear and got in my face.

"I don't want to hear your back talk young man! March your sorry ass back home and I'll deal with you later." She said, she pulled me up and push me towards the exit.

I looked back to see the both of them crying, I ran out of the hospital and ran down the street. Not caring where I was going I just needed to get out of here.

I eventually ended up at a store, I walked inside and looked through the aisles. I came across the hair dye section and saw the same green as Izukus.

Without giving it a second thought I grabbed the box, then I came around an ink bottle, I grabbed that as well and went up to the counter to pay for it. I left the store looking at the items in my hand.

"Why did I even buy these?" I said to myself, I made my way home as quickly as possible.

I walked down the side walk, letting my body bring me home as I was on auto pilot. I was thinking about how I kill someone, I drove someone to jump off a building to escape the world that they loved as a child. I choked on my tears as I tried to hide the pain from bystanders.

My house was pretty close to the store I came from, I pushed opened the door and saw my father on the phone. He looked at me with disappointment, for some reason this wasn't like the other times. Almost like he was seeing a stranger in his home.

"So what! I'm sorry this all happened! Are you happy now!?" I yelled at him, knowing he didn't deserve my hatred but I couldn't contain it.

"Katsuki..." Dad said quietly, and moved towards me.

"Look, I'm sorry for yelling I just need to be alone." I said as I tried to go to my room.

"Hold it young man," My father said harshly as he grabbed my arm "You don't get to act like you're not going to be punished. He jumped because of you, it's your fault this happened. You are staying in your room, no friends, no after school activities. You are studying to get into UA and your punishment can be talked about. You better pray Izuku isn't dead."

Fear went into my mind and clearly showed on my face, dad had never yelled at me before. It feels different then what mom does.

"I'm sorry dad.." I whispered, his soft expression came back and he embraced me. I hugged him back but went to my room right afterwards.

I went into my room and locked the door. I went to my desk and grabbed a needle, I dipped it in ink and started to tattoo my side, I've decided to put a scythe on my side, make blood drips and wrote 'villain' in the blade, then with the needle on my thigh I wrote, 'you did it.'

It was painful and lasted a few hours, when I was done my skin was red around the tattooed areas. I got up and grabbed my hair dye box and went to the bathroom, since my hair was blonde it was easy. I dyed different parts of strands of my hair green, I didn't leave the bathroom the whole time and watched my phone. I washed my hair, it looked okay, until there was a knock on the door, I opened it and saw my mom and dad.

"Seems like your father already gave you your punishment, and what the hell did you do to your hair and skin!?" Mom yelled at me.

"It's for Izuku.." I said to her, her face soften up.

"He's just in a coma, they don't know when he'll wake up." She said, not making eye contact.

She let me go back to my room.

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