02. Cafeteria Conflicts

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Monica's POV:
"And that's how you find the value of x..... Hurry up girls, I'll be moving on to the next numerical now. Turn to page number-"
I groaned. Gosh why'd the teachers always have to be in such a hurry, nothing can be done perfectly in haste. As I tried to follow the steps of the numerical, I gave up. You can't teach a subject like Mathematics by rushing up the explanations, because very little gets through the skull then. But again who's gonna teach a teacher how to teach? No one.

Without further ado, I continued to solve the questions at my own pace, carefully noting down each step, neatly in my notebook.

That's when I heard the bell. Class was over, ughhh, finally. What a respite. I loved the bell, it made me happy.

No one's POV:

This was the last class before recess. As the teachers packed her to leave the classroom ,she said "Good afternoon and thank you girls. You may all have lunch now"

All the students from all classes assembled at the Cafeteria. It was extremely crowded. Monica and her friends got ahold of a table next to another group of grade eleven.

This group was also quiet popular and they were the absolutely opposite compared to Monica and her friends. Safe to say that these two group never really got along well. There are a plethora of reasons to support this claim.

The members of these two groups weren't really opposite, they were simply different and there was not even an ounce of similarity between them, so that they could mingle. Emily Rhodes and her friends, rather, should I say, minions, were the epitome of ststudiousness. They were a bunch of obedient, rule-loving, snarky students who were too full of themselves to even consider the other student as human beings.

They were led by the one and only, Emily Rhodes. The third runner up of Monica's batch. Emily Rhodes was known for her great obsession for academic validation. She could kill to get the highest marks in class. She liked being surrounded by people who literally sucked-up to her and licked her feet. All teachers worshipped her because of her outstanding work ethics, passion, ambition, responsibility, and punctuality towards studies.

She hated Monica and Sienna. She hated how they always stood in her way to becoming the top of her class. She was the one who deserved the crown of the topper. She was the one who deserved to walk the hallways as the undefeated genius of Lady Queen High, and have the other students recoil at her appearance. She never bullied anyone or got into bad business. That's because she knew that it might end her so-called image, that took years of blood, sweat, tears, and numerous sleepless nights to build.

She couldn't let all her hard work and hard earned reputation go in vain so easily. All in all, Emily loved success and could go to any extent to achieve it, provided that it didn't ruin her the-perfect-student image.

Her friends were no different, they were much like her. Or rather they direly wanted to be like her which made it worse.
There was no way that such a gang of so-called perfect students, could mingle with a gang of goofies like Monica's who had very little to do with the important or serious aspects of life. In lay man's terms, Monica's group believed in the motto- "Life is young, so live it large". While, on the contrary, Emily Rhodes and her minions followed the motto- " Do what is necessary ".

So back to present, Monica and her friends, quite unwillingly walked to their table, or rather, their most awaited doom. Close proximity between these to groups never ended well. Not even once did they part ways on a sweet note.

Meredith, Emily's closest companion, snickered as she saw Monica and her girls take their seat next to theirs.

Sienna sent her a glare.
Just then Adeline, another of Emily's minions commented with a smirk, " Oh who do we have here? Well, hello losers. Finally know where your place is? "

And then it started again. Angelina retorted, "Oh we really wouldn't have to sit with you dorks if there was any other table empty. Also, shut up. "

Anastasia sighed dejectedly, clearly not ready for one of those uncalled gang wars once again.

Emily Rhodes kept chewing her sandwich quietly, without a care, what was going on around her, the book in her hand was far more important.

Aria was the last member of Emily's group and she was the sweetest. Sweet and polite, and a talented writer too. God knows how she associated with those snobs. She claims that they are her friends from kindergarten, but frankly, I believe, there's more to it than what meets the eye.

Aria gave the Monica and her friends a warm smile which almost looked like a shy apology for her friends' rude behaviour, and the four girls returned the same.

The glaring continued, as Emily Rhodes looked up from her book, finally ready to give the world her valuable attention.

She coldly glared at the newly arrived unwanted additions beside 'her' table and coldly glared at them before saying "I don't hope to see the four of you here tomorrow, is that clear? ". The statement was crisp and commanding, as if daring them to disagree with her.

Sienna, Monica, Angelina and Monica looked at each other once, before setting their eyes on Emily Rhodes. Her dark eyes held immense power and determination, while her locks were darker than night and curtained her broad shoulders. She had a very intimidating appearance to be exact. And it worked on most people, except Monica and her gang.

Angelina started "Well, I do not quite see a problem with that, considering that you don't own these tables"

Sienna seconded the thought and said, "Why don't you go and have lunch in the washroom? It'll do us both good. Atleast we'd be spared for your and you're friends' blabber. " She completed rolling her eyes.

Emily was practically fuming by now, she gritted her teeth before saying in a low tone, enough for us to hear, " Well, that wouldn't be what you'll be saying by the year-end. Better start following already. Well, you know,old practices die hard."

That was enough for Monica to perk up as she left her half eaten bacon on her plate before saying, "Oh, why must that be? Are you buying the school? Should I transfer already? "

Emily's minions, except Aria, scowled at her. Emily scoffed "That's not what you'll be saying when the Trophy has my name" she sniggered.

Sienna and Monica had had enough of it. Hell, academically wasn't a battlefield, it was a fair and healthy competition for heaven's sake.

Sienna interjected, "We'd love to see you try" she gritted out, while Monica remained silent, debating her next words

Emily smirked and it seemed oddly dangerous. What new plan is she pointing at. That smirk, did make Monica slightly uncomfortable, but Monica brushed that feeling off. Whatever new trick Emily had, up her sleeves this year, wasn't going to affect her, and neither would she let it. Monica was sure of it.

Emily finally said "Class is about to start. I wouldn't wanna be late to English class because of you low lives. Oh and Monica, the headmaster wanted to meet us after school. He'd be expecting you around 5. " With that she got up and stalked off, out of the cafeteria, with her minions following behind like lost puppies, with the sole exception of Aria, who waved the other four good bye before following them.

Monica sat dumbfounded. What such important information did the headmaster want to discuss with her, that he sent it through none other than Emily Rhodes. Of course Monica wasn't one to get into trouble, but it still irked her to spend time with that rude Emily Rhodes after school. Ughh, could that day get any worse....

Ultimately losing her appetite, Monica shared the rest of her bacon between Anastasia and Angelina, who savored it gladly. While her and Sienna, discussed school work, meeting with the Headmaster, unfortunately slipped her careless mind.


Author's note.
Heyaaa my beautiful readers.... So this is my very first story and I honestly have no clue how to go about with it but I am still trying. Feel free to share your feedback in the chats. I'm so determined to improve my writing. Hope y'all like the story so far. Suggestions in chat will be much appreciated. Love you. Stay tuned

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