"To think our fates intertwined"

46 1 24

Kyle Williams POV

Meet Cedric Delacruz. He is the handsome class president who stood at the class podium and then announced:

"Alright it's decided, We will make the Jail Booth for Valentine's Day. Please raise your hand if you agree."

What is happening you ask? Well, Valentine's Day is on Monday next week. We were currently discussing what the class would do for the romance-filled day. The decision is to turn the class into a Jail booth. If you don't know what a Jail Booth is, it's a booth where a person would pay to get two people locked up in a Jail.

When no one disagreed, My best friend Alvin, who was the class secretary wrote on the whiteboard "Jail Booth" and then underlined it.

"Does anyone have any questions?" The beautiful vice-president right beside the president asked everyone.

No one asked anything, and that was it.

"Alright good. Be sure to come here on Sunday afternoon to make the Jail Booth, please don't forget to bring the things you've been assigned to."

The Class President said, and everyone nodded in response.

"Dismissed." He said. Students Instantly went out of the classroom in a hurry, rushing to whatever plans they had after school.

The Three left-behind class officers arranged their seats in a circle and started to whisper to each other.

There were only four of us left in the classroom. With me being in the back and next to the seat that is next to the window. I sat there in silence, as I observed the three of them talk about something. I'm guessing it's probably about the upcoming Valentine's Day.

"I knew it!" The beautiful vice-president, Hannah Smith randomly shouted in shock.

Hannah Smith is a beautiful girl who is the current vice president of the class. She is a brave girl who will scold almost anyone, and a lot of men in the school chase after her. her social skills are also top-notch just like her looks.

I can't seem to get along with her-- No, I don't want to get along with her. As for why? It's because she's always with the class president Cedric Delacruz. There's even a rumor going around right now that they're dating or Cedric likes Hannah. It's kinda confusing.

"Be quiet dumbass!"

Cedric scolded Hannah and flicked her forehead. How I envy their closeness, surely when they act like this, they must be a couple.

"I see, I understand."

Alvin Davidson who is the class secretary and my best friend replied then nodded in understanding.

"Alright then, dismiss." The class president said and so they stood up, arranged the chairs, and went out.

Did Alvin just forget about me? Damn, what a bad best friend he is.

I look out the classroom window, admiring the beautiful sunset. Its beauty is truly unparalleled.


I sighed in annoyance, thinking of Cedric and Hannah's interaction earlier, I sighed once more. If only Hannah knew how lucky she was to have such a nice guy as a boyfriend.

"Damn, I'm such an envious person."

I said to myself. The door suddenly opens. I turn to look and there enters the handsome Cedric Delacruz. His beautiful and slick black hair complimented his dark-blue hunter eyes. Our school uniform's blazer which has the color green contrasted with his eyes perfectly. Underneath his clothes is an athletic hot bod. And his sharp handsome face made his looks truly top-tier maybe even perfect. Additionally, his leadership skills, academic skills and social skills added so much more to his charm, goddamn.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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