Chapter 29

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Marianna's POV:

Watching them felt like time slowed down, their cheering echoing through the midnight sky, as the warmth of the bonfire painted their cheeks a glowing rouge. Whilst signing songs together and laughing, they intertwined in a circle, arms locked over each others shoulders, throwing around the young blinder, serenading his new life of marriage.

My heart felt empty as I looked at the crowds, the way each person just fit with the next, they were all like puzzle pieces that just made sense together, and without their other pieces they were left alone to wither. I found it hard to be any where, when my heart felt like an open wound, when all I thought about was how I would forever be an incomplete piece, the one that gets lost and tucked away under the filth and chaos of life.

Destined to always watch as others got to experience the life I could only dream of, destined to always be plagued by pain and heartache, I watched from my seat. Even Louis had found himself a young girl to pull at her braids, and chase after, whilst she squealed and giggled. I wished I could whisk him away from all the pain I was destined to bring him, I knew it was selfish being friends with him, brining him into my world of danger, but he was the only thing that tethered me to humanity, the last string I was holding on to.

Third Person POV:

"Why are you sitting here all alone pretty girl", Marianna was taken from her thoughts when Isaiah came and sat by her, though not alone. "Just thinking peacefully" she rolled her eyes as she turned back towards where she was looking, trying to give a hint.

"This is Jean", as if he couldn't read her uninterested gaze, he continued to talk at her, "I'm Marianna", she leaned in front of Isaiah, as did the other girl as they both reached out their hands to shake. "It's really nice to meet you, Isaiah told me about you", Jean eagerly said, she seemed nice, so Marianna couldn't understand why she would be shacking up with Isaiah. "yeah just about how annoying you are" Isaiah said quickly with a grunt, turning to snatch a drink from a drunk passed out man. "Whatever" she sighed, whilst looking back at the girl, "you seem too nice to be mixed up with this idiot", Jean chuckled, "oh no, we're not together, he begge-" jean replied but was quickly interrupted by Isaiah, "drink Jean, want one" the girl nodded.

"Care to join me Marianna" he stood up and placed a hand out for me to grab, "whatever, fine" I grabbed his hand, and yelled at Finn calling him over to keep Jean company, "it was nice to meet you" she said as Isaiah pulled the girl before his date could say another word.

"So you begged her to go with you, what was it about you saying I was having so much trouble in that department" she punched the boy playfully in the shoulder as they walked to get a drink, "at least my date wanted to go with me" she teased, "at least my date is my age" he teased back. The two reached where the drinks were being handed out, Isaiah grabbing four bottles, one for himself, Marianna, Jean and Finn, though when they turned to go back they thought a change of course would be better. "Looks like your date might be interested in someone else" Marianna giggled as she watched how Jean and Finn shamelessly flirted with one another. "Whatever, come one lets go somewhere else" he turned and grabbed Marianna's hand, whilst simultaneously passing her two bottles, pulling her away from the crowd and down the field.

When Isaiah had finally stopped ahead of her and the two had ran out of breath, she looked up and took in their surroundings, a large oak tree that stood tall, with a flat centre above where the branches met together, a perfect place to sit and watch she thought to herself. "Give me a foot to push up, and then I'll pull you up" Isaiah said eagerly as he tucked the bottles in his pockets, putting another in-between his teeth.

Once he had reached the top, not before kicking Marianna a few times, swearing it was an accident, he put down the bottles and held out a hand for her to climb up. Though he didn't anticipate her acceleration up the tree and his strength, pulling the girl up and causing a crash landing, with her lying on top of him. As they regained their understanding after crashing to the floor of the smooth tree, they stared at each other for a moment, Isaiah becoming quite flustered as the girl basically straddled him, but she was too fascinated by their view to even flinch at the position.

As the two staggered up, they looked from their position up high in the tree and saw the midnight sky, bedazzled with thousands of stars. "If you think that's impressive wait until you see this", Isaiah guided the girl to lie down and look up, where she hadn't noticed earlier that there was a parting in the tree, a perfect view of the sky above, and an even brighter moon that was almost full. "Its perfect, Im sure its the most beautiful thing ever" the girl gawked in amazement, "I beg to differ" the boy said, though much quieter so the girl didn't hear, instead offering her a drink.

The two sat up leaning against the branches of the tree, opposite to each other as they drank their drinks and reminiscing on their childhood. This was the first time in a long time that Isaiah saw the girl fully relax, and this was the first time in a while that Marianna felt distracted.

"Oi you two, come one" a very drunk Finn yelled from below, "come join us for a midnight swim" an even drunker Jean yelled from next to him. The two equally as drunk as the others leapt from the tree, not as gracefully as they probably thought, and joined the lovebirds. Laughing as they took off their respective dresses, heels, suits and pants, leaving them only in their undergarments, the four teens ran  towards the glistening lake, whose ripples glowed under the moon.

They all giggled and yelled as Jean taunted, running backwards from ahead, causing Finn to pull her back by the waist laughing, whilst Marianna screamed as she step on a sharp stick, resulting in Isaiah still running at full speed, to swoop her up into his arms and carry her. Nothing would stop them from reaching the water. As the four plummeted into its warmth, diving and twirling, throwing water in the air and pushing each other, it felt as if the moon itself were blessing them, allowing them to be teenagers for a night.

Duality - oc x Isaiah Jesus Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora