Tears of pain Part-2

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Zahra POV

I woke up late today. The smell suggests it's already lunch time.
How come so late? I questioned myself.

I looked at my bags packed hidden under my bed.

I freshened up and walked to the hall where I saw Jamil Bhai and Rumaisa Aunty fighting.

" You cannot do that Khala. "

" I can... "

" How can you think of that when you have a daughter of your own? If later on someone does that to Omera how will you feel? Remember the Karma, Khala. " I heard Jamil Bhai shouted.

" Don't shout at me. If anyone is there who can cause trouble to my daughter, it's Zahra. "

I ignored their conversations and walked into the kitchen.
Cook Aunty was making aloo paratha. I took two of them on my plate and started eating while sitting on the chair inside the kitchen to avoid the negative conservations.

" You should eat more, Zahra... " Aunty said and I nodded.

" I know Aunty. But I don't feel like eating more. "

" You used to eat 4 aloo parathas in a go when you were young. " Aunty said with a smile.

" I know Aunty. I'll eat more when I will reach hostel. " I replied.

" Are you leaving? "

" Yes. " I nodded washing my hands.

" I have a feeling that if I stay for more days, I'll be murdered. " I whispered to her and she looked at me with concern.

" Don't worry. I have my friends who will save me. " I stopped myself from revealing the exact location I'll be staying because I know when Rumaisa Aunty will ask her, she might not be able to endure much torture and reveal it.

" Take care, Zahra. " Aunty said when I walked towards the door.

" You too, Aunty. " I replied and smiled.

I was about to reach my room when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me with a strong force.

I fell on the floor and looked at people around me. It was Rumaisa Aunty, her friends and Jamil Bhai.

" I will kill her. " Rumaisa shouted.

" And you think that will solve all your problems. Khala please think carefully. Killing her will lead you to jail, the property and money will go to NGOs. Omera will suffer. " Jamil Bhai held her by the shoulder and tried to convince her.

I stood up and looked at them.

" Fine. Rumaisa will never hurt her but on one condition. " I heard her friend say that.

" What condition? " Jamil Bhai asked.

" If Zahra and you, get married, she will never trouble her and I'll take that responsibility. " I looked at them with my wide shocked eyes.

" What?! No way!! " I said and turned to walk towards my room but Jamil Bhai stopped me.

" Zahra... Please... " He stood between me and the door of my room.

" No... " I said and heard one of Aunty's friends say,

" Look at her tantrum. We gave such a good offer. She would stay safe and have property... what's there to lose. "

I walked into my room after escaping Jamil Bhai but he followed me.

" Bhai please. "

" Zahra why are you not thinking that it's a win win offer. You can stay safe here, no one will trouble you. You have property and everything. "

" But I don't want to stay here, why don't you understand that? " I shouted.

" I never intended to stay here that's why I asked Papa to get my admission far away from home. To stay safe. To stay away from all this. " I shouted all my thoughts out.

" Zahra... " Jamil Bhai whispered.

" And you Bhai... How can you agree when you love someone else? Should I tell her? "

" She is getting married to someone else. " He said in a low voice.

" And so you will get married to me. And not talk to her and sort out things...? " I asked him.

" Zahra, I want peace at home. And that's why I am trying to resolve... "

" Resolve?! " I chuckled and asked,

" You think that lady won't push me to add Omera's name in property papers? Or maybe transfer my money under your name so that she can later manipulate you and take all of that under her name? She wants me to marry you so that I'll be stuck here forever. And I will never agree to that. "

Unknowingly tears started to fall off my eyes.

" I am tired of all this now, Bhai. Only Allah knows how she tortures me mentally. A biological mother would never do that. She made me weak. I lost my confidence. I am grateful to Allah that I went to college away from this... " I sat down on my bed and wiped my tears.

" I am sorry Zahra. "

" Sorry won't heal me. "

" So, you will never return to his house again...? " Jamil Bhai asked and sat beside me.

" I will never return. And I'll be leaving tomorrow. " I whispered.

" Zahra, it's your father's house. And you will never return...how can you say that? "

" Now this house belongs to Aunty. " I replied.

" Where will you stay? "

" I have my sources. " I replied and packed the left over items like hairbands, clutches, etc.

" What does that mean? I am asking for a location, Zahra. " He asked in a little loud voice.

" Yeah, so that you can tell Aunty. I'll never reveal the location to anyone. "

" Which hotel or hostel? I need to know for your safety... "

" Safety?! " I chuckled and started doing my work again.

" Zahra, what has happened to you? Why are you being like this? "

" Because when I was like I was, you people made me feel sick. You are her power now and that's why I need to stay away from you, Bhai. Also, you didn't even take a stand for me against her  though you know I was right and she was not. So why even care. "

" I didn't know you would say this Zahra. It hurts me. "

" Good. Now you feel the pain I used to. "

" I don't know what to say. Yes, I may be wrong back then that I didn't take a stand for you. But I worked hard enough to book a room for you in a hotel for your safety. I can even buy a house for you and no one will know. " Jamil Bhai said in broken voice. He had tears in his eyes.

Was I too harsh?
I looked at his eyes and controlled myself from crying.

" You wanna go. You can go. But remember, there is someone here who is always ready to help you whenever you need. Even if it's Aunty's house now, I can guarantee your safety. "

He said and I nodded.

" At least let me drop you at the station. " He whispered and I nodded again.

He left the room and I sat down in bed and started crying again.

" I am not that kind of a person who can hurt others. How did I do that to Bhai? I am sorry Bhai..."
I said while wiping my tears.


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Iram Khan


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