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I am thanking HarryPlays2001  CrimsonWeresloth Falloutfan158 and vfdtyjjhgdtikbff For helping me write this story. They made this story possible and are helping build the events that will occur in out story.

The Last Days of Yggdrasil online were....harsh to many. Some felt angry that they never got to complete a project, others were annoyed when they realized many of their friends they had made would vanish. Some guilds would defend their bases to the end, those of Nine's Own Goal had made a public boast that who ever beat their dungeon, would get all the gold in their guild vaults.

Some of the top PVP raid guilds tried, and would fail.

However, there was one guild who avoided the boast and challenge, instead,  they gathered around the central chamber of their Guild base for one final Celebration,  and now, as the hours turn to minutes, there were only a few members left.

"I feel that I could have done more with this body. It's not right, but, hey. I basically min-maxed the offensive abilities, agility and magical abilities." a large cloaked golem like figure said.

This was the Dark Wizard Eldritch Blade hybrid of the guild, known as Murcury, to the guild, his role was that of the item's craftsmen, and organized the Magical portion of the Base defenses. Though the golem was not the real body, simply the body the spirit of the Player possessed.

"I still think you should have brought your body out of that tower. You've been rocking Golems for, what 6 years now?" A knight like figure asked, flames radiating around his body and Cloak.

This was the Devil Warlock and Dark Paladin, named Crimson, the polar aesthetical and tactical opposite to Murcury. He was the Vice Commander of the entire Guild, and often seen as the most Recognizable figure of the group, due to his theatrical performances given when the Guild took a raid or defended the base.

"What's the point, by the time I did, the server would be shut down, even with the rings that teleport us around our base." Murcury said, raising a tankard with one of his mechanical arms.

A Toast to our friendship, and to the memories of our Great Home. May we meet again, in a new life, in a new game." Murcury proposed

"My Friend. I can agree to that." the vampire leader of the guild spoke up, standing from his seat at the table.

Harry, the Guild Master of their group spoke. He was a Vampire who focused on Necromancy, and had some levels in the Warrior job type. His ornate and decorative armor made him imposing, if not elegant at the same time. He lead the guild after the original founder left the game over a week ago, the British man was the Leader of the dying guild, in the dying game.

"I don't know, I still think we could have done a few raids on the lesser guild bases, gotten their loot and all that." the suave voice of a soldier spoke.

Tunnel, a human who multi-classed in jobs like Commander, Fighter, Fencer and Gunner, preferring the martial weapons over the magic his guild mates seemed to utilize to some extent in one way or another.

Of course, one member was missing, though online. Knowing him, he was down in the lower levels, checking on all the NPCs, one final time, reading the descriptions that were made for them. The 5 were the last of their guild, and with nearly a minute, everyone sighed.

-Change to Ander's POV-

"These are the last few moment of the game." I said aloud more to myself than anyone else, after all who could answer me down here on the lower floors of the guild base the only ones here were out creations, our NPC's, hell in a way out children. And I just wanted to go see them one last time before..... I stoped and shock my head of that train of thought it would do no good to continue it, I arrived in the area where they all were in and I just looked around, the Maids that Mercury created were doing their automated job tasks as the caretakers of the base. Alastor and Velvette were off in a corner, they were Harry's and if I didn't know any better I'd say they were talking and if they were able to no doubt they would be telling story's about all the shenanigans that they got up to as Harry's bodyguards,

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