Lucifer didn't know exactly what to think about this man, other than that he loved him dearly. He watched as the—frankly—beautiful man got ready for his day.

He parted his short coal-black hair and combed it down, applying copious amounts of gel along the way. His mismatched blue and green eyes followed his hand's movements carefully and he bit his lip in concentration.

The man wore quite a sacrilegious rosary: an upside down cross. Lucifer smiled in amusement when he put on another rosary—this one Christian and representing the death and resurrection of the Christian Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Most would think this man was a two-faced liar, not following their chosen faith correctly. Lucifer thought he was hilariously adorable. Lucifer knew what the man's true chosen faith was, and it truly warmed his soul.

The man placed his inverted rosary beneath his outfit. He picked up a Bible and sighed as he looked at it. He bowed his head and clasped his hands together, the Bible held precariously in his armpit.

Lucifer immediately heard the prayer, My Lord, please help me get through this week. Know that what I preach to the masses is not what I believe. May Your word reach the masses instead. Nema.

Lucifer smirked and watched as the priest exited his home. He left when the door closed behind him.


Luke considered himself a generally composed person, but today was wearing him thin very quickly.

Between the mindless sermons he hosted—which somehow still seemed to keep the company invested—and the constant nitpicking of those in a higher position than him in the Church; the last straw was the voices of the mass condemning his God.

He kept a wavering smile to the very last closing "prayer", after which he almost ran to his office, pulling out his Unholy rosary.

He begged for forgiveness, for understanding, and for strength. He knew how blasphemous he was being to his God, but he needed this job to keep food on his table. Tears welled in his eyes and he fell to his knees in supplication, the rosary tangled between his fingers.

He whispered, "My Lord, please forgive me for these blatant shows of disrespect. I mean none of what I preach to them. I beg of You to understand my circumstances and to help me strengthen my faith in You. Nema." He hoped his Savior heard the prayer.

He stood and went into the restroom. He threw some cold water on his face and sighed.

Luke wanted to be done with all this. He hoped his parents were happy, watching him suffer because of their shitty religious upbringing.

He gave them some credit however, they had made him study the Bible, thoroughly. He laughed, maybe too thoroughly for their tastes, considering.


The day was finally over and Luke was gathering his personal belongings, ready to go home. He exited the church and started on his drive home, chewing on his after-work gum aggressively.

Luke parked his car in his designated spot and turned off the engine. He inhaled and exhaled deeply before taking his car keys and closing all his car doors.

He entered his apartment and immediately started removing his cassock. He unceremoniously threw it in his hamper as he reached his room and grabbed a t-shirt and some shorts. He changed into them quickly.

Grabbing his book, he threw himself on his bed and excitedly opened today's tab.

"All is not lost; the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield; (and what is else not to be overcome?) That glory never shall his wrath or might extort from me, to bow and sue for grace with suppliant knee and deify his power: who from the terror of his arm so late doubted his empire."

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