10) hospitals

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"People please pay attention now I want now I want my before Mary over here" Ms. Patty said motion to where she wanted her. "And I want my after Mary over here" Ms. Patty said motioning to her.

"Wise men Shepherd line up for the processional" Ms. Patty said. "I only have half of a donkey" Ms. Patty asked the man in a donkey costume.

"I need the rest of the donkey" Ms. Patty said leaving.

"Yeesh good thing I never liked participating in acting on these things" Aurora said as she helped Lorelei.

"Ow" Kirk said. "Hold still Kirk" Lorelei said. "You stuck me" Kirk said. "Did not stick you" Lorelei said. "You did too" Kirk said. "Okay be quiet now" Lorelei said.

Aurora saw Lorelei looking at Rory and sighed. "You want me to talk to her" Aurora asked. "No, it's fine thanks Rora" Lorelei said.

"Um Taylor the baby Jesus is missing an arm again" Rory said. "What" Taylor said.

"I was just getting it out of the trunk" Rory said when Taylor interrupted. "Let me see that" Taylor said taking it.

"Oh, for Pete's sake okay listen up the arm is missing i repeat the arm is missing" Taylor said.

"Maybe it's just time to get a new baby Jesus you know one that's a boy" Rory said. "It's a doll no one can tell" Taylor said. "Well, it has a bow" Rory said.

"This has been the baby Jesus in every Christmas pageant since 1965" Taylor said. "Were you here in 1965" Taylor asked. "No, I wasn't" Rory said.

"Find the arm" Taylor said giving the doll back to Rory. "Kirk what are you doing" Aurora asked noticing he was flinching. "Nothing" Kirk said.

"You're flinching" Lorelei said. "You stuck me once there's nothing to say you won't do it again" Kirk said. "Keep flinching and she won't stick you I will" Aurora said.

"Okay you know what you're done" Lorelei told Kirk. "Move it" Aurora said and Kirk left. "Well," Taylor said to Rory.

"I swear I've looked twice" Rory said. "Look again" Taylor said. "Taylor come quickly our before Mary's about to become an after" Ms. Patty said coming over.

"Who else in town is knocked up" Ms. Patty asked leaving with Taylor. Eventually it was time for everyone to leave.

"Find the arm" Lorelei asked as she, Aurora, and Rory were heading to the car. "Nope" Rory said.

"This is going to be an awkward car ride" Aurora said. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" Lorelei said.


"Your sister still hasn't made up with your mom" Tristian asked Aurora. "Nope" Aurora said.

"Paris how you, holding up since the dance" Aurora asked her. "I'm okay embarrassed but okay" Paris said as she noticed the way Tristian looked at Aurora.

"Hey, your Paris Geller, you'll survive you always do" Aurora said. "Thanks, Rora" Paris said and Aurora smiled. "At least I know I'll always have you" Paris said.

"Can't be rid of me that easily" Aurora said. "Nor do we want to" Tristian said.

"I'm with Tristian on this one losing you be like losing ourselves" Paris said causing Aurora to smile. "Then it's a good thing we'll never have to worry about that" Aurora said.


"I wish you'd change your mind" Rory said. "It's not my mind that needs to be changed" Lorelei said.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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