9) the dance

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"Your grandfather called last night and told me to let you know he's being you and Aurora back something special from Prague" Emily said.

"Wow Prague how amazing is it that he's going to Prague" Rory said. "It's supposed to be lovely very dramatic castles everywhere" Emily said.

"The cell that vaclay Havel was held in is now a hastal you can stay there for like $50 a night hey maybe on our trip to Europe we could stay in his cell" Rory said.

"Sure, why not I always wanted to be haunted" Aurora said sarcastically.

"Absolutely then we should go to Turkey and stay in that place from midnight express" Lorelei said sarcastically.

"Lorelei what are you doing" Emily asked. "Getting rid of the avocado" Lorelei said.

"Since when do you not like avocado" Emily asked. "Since the day I said gross what is this and you said avocado Rora doesn't like it either" Lorelei said.

"I'm focusing on you and Aurora now" Emily told Rory. "Tell me all about the Chilton Formal next week" Emily said.

"There's a formal" Lorelei asked. "Wait how do you know about the formal grandma" Aurora asked. "Yeah, how do you know about the formal" Lorelei asked.

"I read my Chilton newsletter" Emily told Lorelei. "Since when do you get a Chilton newsletter" Lorelei asked.

"Well as a major contributor to Rory's education I figured I had the right to ask for a newsletter to be sent to my house since I never got the opportunity to help with Aurora's" Emily said and got up grabbing her newsletter.

"Are you serious" Lorelei said. "And it's a good thing too since you don't read yours one of us should be up to date on Rory and Aurora's school" Emily said going back to Lorelei, Rory, and Aurora.

"Hey mom I read my newsletter" Lorelei said. "You did" Emily asked.

"That's right" Lorelei said. "What was the picture on the cover" Emily asked. "It was a picture of a really rich kid in plaid" Lorelei said.

Emily turned around the newsletter and shown Lorelei. "It was a spotted owl" Emily said. "In plaid" Lorelei said.

"The owls are endangered, and Chilton is taking donations to help them" Emily said and sat down putting the newsletter down.

"You and Aurora gave a very nice one in case you're interested" Emily told Rory.

"Mom don't be giving donations on Rory and Rora's behalf I'll do that" Lorelei said. "How can you do that when you don't bother to read the newsletter" Emily asked.

"I read the newsletter" Lorelei said. "You didn't know they were taking donations" Emily said.

"It's a private school they're always taking donations they teach a class in it I'll get them next time" Lorelei said.

"Well, what about the owls" Emily asked. "They'll live" Lorelei said.

"Well apparently they won't that's why they needed donations in the first place" Emily said.

"So, you have a formal coming up" Lorelei said to Rory and Aurora. "Yeah, but I don't think I'm gonna go" Rory said. "Nonsense of course you're going" Emily said.

"Mom if Rory doesn't wanna go she doesn't have to go" Lorelei said. "Well, I don't understand why she wouldn't wanna go" Emily said.

"I know you don't" Lorelei said. "I'm gonna go get another coke" Rory said leaving. "Wait your leaving me here with them coward" Aurora said yelling the last part.

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