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Touma Kamijou was quite grateful for this quiet, quiet afternoon.

It almost felt like a lifetime ago, when his powers first developed. Now a mere month has passed by, and he found himself get involved in so many situations.

He was no stranger to trouble; even before the Bite (it was perhaps coincidental but he can't think of anything else as to how) he found himself in several situations most adults would think were unrealistic, and were something out of a low-budget crappy action movie.

But this time, things were different.

Trouble wasn't looking for him, he was out here looking for it.

How many times has he went and helped out some random student, or couple out of a bad situation by just appearing out of nowhere? Or solving it with his webs, or fists? Too many to count, actually; it was useless to try and count.

Kamijou felt his Instinct blare to the side. Getting up from the ledge he leaped off, and swung away to where trouble brewed.

Landing at a nearby building, he saw a man running away from the left, carrying a purple bag no dude would get caught with without implications. Seeing how no one had bothered to stop the thief, and seeing the purse's owner, a middle-aged woman chase after him, Kamijou decided he should do something about it.

The whole thing was over in a second; all he had to do was to stop in front of the thief, give him the other end of his webline, convince him to give him the purse, and stick him to the line, seeing as the thief bounced up and down the side of tue building, screaming for help. How ironic.

Kamijou watched the woman stop quickly as she made her way towards him.

"Here miss, your purse. No thanks are needed-"

"Damn bastard could've broken the strap. Thanks for the waste of my time, asshole, you nearly ruined my day." She said to the currently-in-midair thief, who only glared at her.

She turned to Kamijou, with a questioning, almost disgusted look on her face. "Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

"Just a guy helping around."

"Doesn't Judgement do that kind of stuff?"

"Have you called them before chasing after the thief?"

"No, because my phone was in my purse which this lowlife," jabbing her thumb at the thief, "tried to part away with. That said, if it weren't for you it'd take me a long while to buy a new purse. And wallet, and phone, and jewellry, and-"

"TMI over there ma'am. But I'm glad to help out. Now I'll be off and what are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" The woman said, taking out her wallet and pulling out a couple thousand yen out of it.

"Oh no no no, please don't. Just keep it okay, I don't do it for the money."

"I insist," the woman said as she slapped the money down on his left hand, closing it with her hands. "Consider it as a professional sign of gratitude."

With a bow and a smile, she walked off, purse beside her, leaving Kamijou and the thief alone.

"Alright then, for now just stay there, stick around for a bit. I think somebody's gonna cut you down there in a while. And don't bother trying to break free, because you might fall on your head accidentally," Kamijou said as he pocketed the cash on his back pocket before swinging away.

The thief could only sigh in frustated acceptance.

"Another bust again."


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