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This fanfiction is dedicated to Akira Toriyama (April 5, 1955 - March 1, 2024). May he reach the end of Snake Way and train with King Kai.

Note: This is the first Wattpad project I am actually serious about writing. The other two before this one just didn't work out for me. So please pardon my mistakes or inconsistencies. I am not an anime watcher so just bear with me.

It was 1 year after Goku had suddenly left the World Martial Arts Tournament with a human who was the reincarnation of Majin Buu. An alien by the name of Banane (pronounced bah-nah-nay) had gathered the 7 Dragon Balls and revived the tyrant.

Shenron: "Tell me your wish."

Banane: "Dragon, I wish for Lord Frieza to be revived."

Shenron: "I'm afraid I can't do that."

Banane: (surprised) "What!? I thought you could bring anyone back from the dead."

Shenron: "It is in my power to do so. But your master was disintegrated."

Cut back to when Goku killed Frieza after Whis turned time back.

Banane: "That's preposterous. Fine, since he was disintegrated, revive him as is."

Shenron: "It would be unwise to do so. But so be it. As you wish!"

The dragon's red eyes flashed and Frieza was revived, albeit in pieces. His mouthpiece was even separated.

Frieza: "There better be a good reason for this. I'll get revenge on that stupid monkey."

While he was at it, he revived the tyrant's father, King Cold, as well. After that happened, the Dragon Balls dispersed and could not be used for a year. In that time, Frieza learned a whole bunch of moves. While he was in Hell, he sparred with Cell and Evil Buu and eventually became stronger than both of them combined and almost killed them. And when he was revived, he promoted Banane to his top general since there was a vacuum in leadership since most of his top henchmen were dead and as a gift for reviving him, he gave Banane 1,000,000 zeni. While Goku was away training Uub, Frieza had conquered every known planet in the Solar System. But he was not satisfied because all of those planets do not have life on them. But then he and his father Cold had found Earth. A year had passed.

Cold: "Well Frieza dear, it looks like we found a suitable planet to add to your empire."

Frieza: "What is it daddy?"

Cold: "It looks like a planet surrounded mostly by water. I can't place its name though."

Frieza: "It's known as Earth. And don't you worry. Soon enough it will be mine. All those monkeys that inhabit it will be gone. Daddy, gather up the army. There's some work to be done."

Cold then gathers Frieza's army. He then approaches Earth in his chair.

Frieza (thoughts): "If this is going to be easy, I will have to eliminate Goku's wife and children. What kind of irredeemable villain would I be if I didn't kill them?"

Meanwhile on Earth, it is seemingly quiet. It has not been the same without Goku. Piccolo senses a certain galactic tyrant approaching the planet.

Piccolo: "Something doesn't seem right. I can sense Frieza coming from a mile away."

Gohan: "But that's impossible. Dad has taken care of him, right?"

But he was wrong. As Frieza was about to give a speech:

Frieza: "Attention, monkeys of Earth. This is your better speaking!"

Vegeta (shocked at Frieza being alive): "What?!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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