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lets pretend it was after practice
when heathers mom called (after practice) 😔...

I began to make my way towards our home,no actually,not 'our' her home.My stomach grew knots and i began to shake a bit more with every step,

Who knows what she would do to me.

I slowly turned the knob,the second I opened the door i saw her standing with her arms leaning on the counter.

"Welcome home dumbass." She 'greeted' me coldly.

"W-What?"I muttered out,

"Don't act dumb...YOU FAILED YOUR TEST!" She yelled while throwing a paper at me.

She walked up to me and hit me with a bottle of alcohol,I groaned in pain as she stomped and hit me.I began to sob eventually passing out due to blood loss.

When i woke up it was pitch black,I was in a puddle of blood tears streaming down my face I reached for my phone.My shaky hands Clicked the messages app,I scrolled down the list,First i called Courtney,no answer.I tried Duncan (my cousin),no answer.

Then i clicked..him.

Sure it was risky,but he was my last chance.When i cut Lindsay off i lost most of my friends,they sided with her.I was lucky i have Courtney,she's like my platonic soulmate.After a couple of rings he picked,he really picked up!

Through shaky breaths and sobs i muttered out "C-Can you come get me?"

"What happened?!are you okay?.."He said a bit frantic,i don't know why he cared but it made me kinda jitter inside..


"send me the adress."

i texted him the address and he arrived outside my house,I kinda limped outside with a towel for the open wounds.His eyes went wide when he saw me and he immediately jumped out for the car.

Why does he care..?

"Heather what the fuck happened?" He asked din disbelief,

"my mom found out about the test-im sorry i called i ju-"

He cut me off and hugged me tightly,if was kinda painful due to my injuries but oh well it was comforting.After about a minute he opened the door for me and i sat down in his car.

"Im sorry i woke you for such a dumb reason.."

"No,its not dumb."

"why do you..care though?.."

"Because Im a d-decent being." He said in an unsure tone.


I don't know why heathers sorry,she hurt.When we arrived at my house i helped her out.She was pretty injured as she was still limping,alot.

"Here,my parents are out of town.You can stay with me,Ill make sure my brothers don't bother you tonight."

"thank you." She whispered,

"hm?" Oh I heard her,I just like her voice.

"thank you." She choked out while looking down,

"of course."I replied in a warm comforting tone.

When we got in,I helped her with her injuries and she took a shower.I had her sleep in the master guest,were pretty wealthy so it wasn't a big deal.I told my brothers not to bother her,i didn't tell Jose who it was though.He has always found her attractive but he is a bitch,and sorta bullies her instead.Carlos understands,infact i told him about the dream and my feelings for Heather...He wont mess with her.

soooo,how do we like this onee🤭🤭🤭

I already have an idea for how i want the next two chapters to gooo🤭

Omg quick rant,I have an long term sub in language arts,I swear that bitch is hearing things?!Shes always yelling and telling us to be quiet when NO ONE IS TALKING😭😭😭

srry bout that,love yall🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

alsoooo *i forgot your user*,whens the next hate club meeting?



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