Chapter 3: Paparazzi and nude runs?

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Chapter 3: Paparazzi and nude runs?

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We had finished teaching our assigned kids what they already knew about basketball, and it was finally time to actually play.

Our team had combined with another and we all huddled to figure out a strategy.

"I say we all pass to Wolfe" I heard a girl whisper, obviously trying to gain his attention to most probably get into his pants.

"I say we pass to Mark, his skills obviously shit on Wolfe's" I let out, giving Wolfe a malicious glare. He chuckled in response and agreed.

After discussing our strategy to pass to Mark, my team and I walked to the centre of the court, waiting for the instructor to blow his whistle and throw the ball up in the air. 

Once he did that, Mark caught the ball and sprinted off, dribbling carefully until scoring a point.

"Yes" I breathed out, jogging behind.

I then felt a body nudge into my side and looked to see Wolfe smirking.

"He's a great kid aye" he let out, looking at the boy with praise.

"Yeah he's got incredible skills" I huffed still jogging.

"He reminds me of my little brother" he replied as he averted any eye contact. 

Before I could reply, the ball was somehow passed to me. I took this opportunity to prove my athletic ability as no one believed I was great at basketball. And by no one, I meant Wolfe.It's not my fault I'm vertically challenged!

I quickly ran to the hoop, dribbling the ball and swerving away from other players, ensuring I do not lose possession of my ball. That's right, my ball.

I then managed to swiftly throw the ball in the hoop, gaining hoots from Mark and Amy. 

"So skittles does actually play as good as she talks." Wolfe finally admitted, with his oh so gorgeous smirk.

"This is where I say I told you so" I replied grinning at my success.

Mark ran up to me and embraced me in a hug. "Good job, we won!" he smiled, tightening our hug.

At first I was taken aback at the hug, but then I warmed up, appreciating the first human contact I've had in a while.

Just as our embrace ended, I noticed a flash go off in my peripheral vision.

"Did you see that" I jerked out, looking around to see what was the cause of the flash.

"What are you talking about Skittles?" Wolfe asked with a puzzled expression.

"The flash, I just saw it go off! What if someone is taking pictures of us?" I asked, wide-eyed at the possibility.

"I know I'm good looking and all,  but come on, as if anyone would waste their time taking photos of convicted felons" Wolfe snorted.

I rolled my eyes at his conceitedness. 

I managed to convince myself that it was nothing, I mean my family paid big bucks to keep this private. I was fine, no one was taking pictures of me. 


Our community service ended and we said our good byes to Mark and Amy and the rest of the kids and then headed straight for home, it's sad that I'm referring Litchfield detention centre as home.

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