Chapter 25

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Isaiah had grown accustomed to a routine, he would get off work and meet up with his friends in the street, convening outside of stores for a smoke or grab a drink whilst talking. And then he would spot Marianna taking off on her afternoon strolls, where she would meet up with Louis for their adventure of the day.

He made it seem like pure coincidence the first time, running into the girl, just as the two were leaving to go buy a loaf of bread. Louis had insisted that he learn more about Marianna's tall friend, inviting him on their stroll.

Now it was almost as if it were habit, when he saw the girl leave the betting shop, or her other various tasks of the day, he would leave whatever he was doing to go run ahead and catch up with Marianna and Louis. Marianna hated to admit it but she found such comfort in the presence of the two boys, whatever they would decide to do for the day, she knew she was going to have fun.

Today on the other hand, Isaiah hadn't expected quite the storm that was heading his way.


I had just finished working at the betting shop, particularly frustrated at the combination of John and Finn Shelby's stupidity and pure lack and inability to do simple math. How they are even able to run a legal betting business is beyond me, but never mind, I don't care to bring my work frustrations into my afternoon stroll.

I was walking through the streets, thinking about what I would do on today's stroll, whilst also trying to locate Louis through my peripherals.

That's when I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, anger almost taking control of me, from the corner of my eye I saw Louis playing on the sidewalk with a Peaky Cap, swinging it around pretending to cut people. I made a beeline straight towards the boy, startling him, causing him to shove the hat behind his back, not without consequence though.

"What the hell are you doing with that cap" I yelled as the boy made a sharp hiss, and I knelt down in front of him. The boy didn't respond instead just looked down at his shoes, afraid that he had been caught.

I was angry that he thought the Peaky life was a game, and I was even more mad that he had been able to get his hands on a cap, but I saw how he hid his face in shame and I couldn't stay mad at him.

"Come here, show me your hands" I placed my hands out to see the boys grazes, "lets wash and clean this up" I said as I puts out my hand to take the cap and hold his other hand.

"Where did you get this from Louis" I said as I finished up cleaning the light grazes from the razor on his palm. "I found it, it was on a table when I dropped of some stuff to the betting den".

I looked at his apologetic eyes, I knew this wasn't his fault, I just had to find out which idiot left their cap unattended for a child to get their hands on. But to no surprise when I checked inside, the label of the owner didn't shock me.

*im going to be trying and experimenting with different character pov's*

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